Manual for LED digital poi Ignis Pixel
Dear Customer! Thank you for purchasing our digital poi. To maximize the life of props, as well as to
maintain the warranty please read this manual to the end and follow our advices.
Three control buttons are located at handle of digital poi:
To switch poi on/off press and hold central button
Up and down buttons change selected timeline or picture to next or previous.
cursor means that you select one of 10 timeline modes. Number of blue LED means
number of mode (cells T1-T10 in left column in software). On picture below selected timeline
is #3:
cursor means that you select one of 80 single pictures. Number of red LED the same way
means number of single picture (cells 1-80 in left column in software). On picture below
selected picture is #21:
If you move cursor up or down it will run 10 timeline modes (blue) and then 80 single pictures (red)
and then timelines again etc.
To run/stop selected timeline or picture short press central button
If no button is pressed within 10 minutes in select mode poi automatically turns off.