sedentary style. When the sitting time comes, the bracelet
illuminates the screen and vibrates.
Drink notification
Set the beginning and end of the period and the "iGET GO" time
period for "drinking mode" (enter the repeat setting in minutes
and select the "drinking mode" reminder date.) When the
deadline is reached, the bracelet lights up and vibrates.
You can set up five alarms on iGET GO. When the alarm is on,
the icon will be animated and the bracelet will vibrate.
Gesture control
You can set the style of gesture used in iGET GO:
Hand lift:
When the hand is lifted, the screen lights up.
Wrist Rotation:
When the wrist is rotated, the screen lights up.
Android settings when disconnecting the watch from the
Detailed solution here
If the watch cannot be switched on, updated or charged, please
contact us at helpdesk.intelek.cz.
Producer / exclusive importer of iGET products to EU:
INTELEK spol. s r.o., Ericha Roučky 1291/4, 627 00 Brno -
Černovice, CZ
Web: http://www.iget.eu
SUPPORT: http://www.iget.eu/helpdesk
Copyright © 2019 INTELEK spol. s r.o. All rights reserved.