Basic information:
Individual technical parameters, the description of the phone
and the design may differ depending on the different versions of
the phone and updates. Precise specifications and other
information can be found on website www.iget.eu. Misprints
After the first start of your smart watch and after pairing with
iGET GO, check for a possible software update.
The buyer is obliged to provide a serial number on the warranty
card as well as in the delivery note and the proof of purchase.
In this context, the buyer acknowledges that unless the serial
number of goods is not marked on the proof of purchase,
delivery note and in the warranty card and therefore it cannot
be possible to compare this serial number marked on goods and
its protective packaging with the serial number stated in the
warranty card, delivery note and the proof of purchase and thus
to verify that the goods runs from the seller, the service center
is competent to claim such a goods automatically and reject it
immediately. The buyer must instruct all persons to whom the
goods would be subsequently sold. Product complaints do with
your dealer if you are not on the web www.iget.eu indicated
otherwise. The warranty card is on the last pages of this manual.
Safety warnings:
• The small parts of the watch can cause suffocation.
• Do not expose your watch to
open fire.
• The watch can produce a loud
• The watch is not resistant to
metal fillings.