7.4 First-time operation
The following service have to be performed by instructed personnel only!
Check of the security features for proper function.
7.5 Trial run
After the installation of the engine a trial run has to be performed before the system
control is handed to the system operator.
7.5.1 Preparation
Prepare the trial run step-by-step, e.g.:
Switch on master switch.
7.6 Production operations
7.6.1 Switching the filter engine on
If connected to other devices the
IFE-electronical precipitation engine
will be
automatically controlled in connection to another device or
externally accessed via the master switch.
7.6.2 Switching the filter engine off
If connected to other devices the
IFE-electronical precipitation engine
will be
automatically controlled in connection to another device or
externally accessed via the master switch.
7.6.3 Running the filter engine after emergency shutdown (NOT-AUS)
After using the master switch or the emergency shutdown switch (NOT-AUS) in connection to
another device all functions of the filter engine will instantly be stopped and switched off.