IFR COM-120C Скачать руководство пользователя страница 240

6 - 6 5



1 6 .

A n a l y

A c c e s s e s   S p e c t r u m   A n a l y z e r   f o r   u s e   w i t h   C e l l u l a r   T e s t i n g .     A d d i t i o n a l   F ie l d   w i t h
C e l l u l a r   S p e c t r u m   A n a l y z e r   i s   R e t u r n   C e l l u l a r   F ie l d   f o r   r e t u r n i n g   t o   M a n u a l   M o b i l e
I n i t   T e s t   S c r e e n .

1 7 .

S c o p e

A c c e s s e s   O s c i l l o s c o p e   f o r   u s e   w i t h   C e l l u l a r   T e s t i n g .     A d d i t i o n s   f o r   C e l l u l a r
O s c i l l o s c o p e   i n c l u d e   a l l o w i n g   D e m o d   A u d i o   f o r   i n p u t   S o u r c e   a n d   R e t u r n   C e l l u l a r
F ie l d   f o r   r e t u r n i n g   t o   M a n u a l   M o b i l e   I n i t   T e s t   S c r e e n .

1 8 .

C a l l   P r o c e s s i n g

P r o m p t   f o r   a c c e s s i n g   C a l l   P r o c e s s i n g   T e s t s .     C a l l   P r o c e s s i n g   T e s t s   i n c l u d e
A L E R T ,   S E N D   C A L L E D   A D D R E S S ,   D T M F   T E S T ,   A U D I T   a n d   M A I N T EN A N C E .
S e l e c t e d   t e s t   i s   s t a r t e d   b y   p r e s s i n g   F 5   S T A R T .

A L E R T   T e s t   i s   p r o v i d e d   t o   o b s e r v e   A F   ( 1 4 )   a n d   D e v   ( 1 0 ) .     P r e s s   F 5   S T A R T   t o
i n i t i a t e   t e s t .     “ Pr e s s   S e n d   t o   C l e a r ”   m e s s a g e   i s   d i s p l a y e d .     O b s e r ve   A F   ( 1 4 )   a n d
D e v   ( 1 0 ) .       P r e s s   M o b i l e   P h o n e   S e n d   K e y   t o   t e r m i n a t e   t e s t .

S E N D   C A L L E D   A D D R E S S   T e s t   r e q u i r e s   M o b i l e   P h o n e   t o   h a v e   p l a c e d   p h o n e   c a l l .
P l a c e   c a l l   o n   M o b i l e   P h o n e .     P r e s s   F 5   S T A R T .

D T M F   T E S T   a l l o w s   t e s t i n g   o f   M o b i l e   P h o n e   D T M F   T r a n s m i s s i o n .     P r e s s   F 5
S T A R T   t o   i n i t i a t e   t e s t .     W i n d o w   i s   d i s p l a y e d   t o   e n t e r   D T M F   D i g i t s .     P r e s s   k e y s   o n
M o b i l e   P h o n e   a n d   v e r if y   e c h o   a p p e a r s   i n   W i n d o w .     P r e s s   F 5   C L R   W N D   t o
t e r m i n a t e   t e s t .

A U D I T   T e s t   e x e r c i s e s   A u d i t   F u n c t i o n   o f   M o b i l e   P h o n e .     P r e s s   F 5   S T A R T   t o
i n i t i a t e   t e s t .     O n c e   A u d i t   T e s t   i s   c o m p l e t e ,   “ C o n f i r m a t i o n :   A u d i t ”   W i n d o w   i s
d i s p l a y e d .

M A I N T EN A N C E   T e s t   i s   p r o v i d e d   t o   o b s e r v e   A F   ( 1 4 )   a n d   D e v   ( 1 0 ) .     P r e s s   F 5
S T A R T   t o   i n i t i a t e   t e s t .     “ Pr e s s   S e n d   t o   C l e a r ”   m e s s a g e   i s   d i s p l a y e d .     O b s e r ve   A F
( 1 4 )   a n d   D e v   ( 1 0 ) .     P r e s s   M o b i l e   P h o n e   S e n d   K e y   t o   t e r m i n a t e   t e s t .

1 9 .

S i g n a l   T o n e   T e s t

S i g n a l   T o n e   T e s t   m e a s u r e s   S i g n a l   T o n e   F r e q u e n c y .     P r e s s   F 5   S T A R T   t o   i n i t i a t e
t e s t .     “ M e a s u r i n g   F r e q u e n c y ”   m e s s a g e   a p p e a r s   i n d i c a t i n g   M a i n t e n a n c e   O r d e r   i s
s e n t   t o   t h e   M o b i l e   P h o n e   f o r   m e a s u r i n g   S i g n a l   T o n e   f r e q u e n c y .     O n c e   t e s t   i s
c o m p l e t e ,   “ Pr e s s   F la s h   H o o k ”   m e s s a g e   i s   d i s p l a y e d .     P r e s s   F la s h   H o o k   o n   M o b i l e
P h o n e .     “ F l a s h   H o o k   D e t e c t e d ”   m e s s a g e   i s   d i s p l a y e d .     P r e s s   F 5   C L R   W N D   t o
t e r m i n a t e   t e s t .

2 0 .

S A T   T e s t

S A T   T e s t   a l l o w s   c h a n g e   o f   S A T   F r e q u e n c y .     T o   c h a n g e   S A T   F r e q u e n c y ,   p r e s s
E N T E R   K e y  w i t h   cu r so r   o n   S A T   T e st .     U se   D A T A   S C R O L L   K e ys  t o   se l e ct   n e w   S A T
F r e q u e n c y .     P r e s s   E N T ER   K e y .     V e r if y   A F   ( 1 4 )   d i s p l a y s   s e l e c t e d   S A T   F r e q u e n c y .

Содержание COM-120C

Страница 1: ...comMQRPc c š ƒ o ƒ mƒ šƒ QPPRMPVPQMRpP advancing wireless test s m ...

Страница 2: ... reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher 10200 West York Wichita Kansas 67215 U S A 316 522 4981 FAX 316 524 2623 ...

Страница 3: ...ENT The COM 120C Communications Service Monitor is the official nomenclature for the EMC and Safety compliant COM 120C Communications Service Monitor In this manual the COM 120C refers to the COM 120C Communications Service Monitor The generic terms unit and Test Set also refer to the COM 120C Communications Service Monitor BATTERY STATEMENT For continued EMC compliance with EN61000 3 2 1995 A14 2...

Страница 4: ...plied with dc voltage AC TERMINAL Terminal that may supply or be supplied with ac or alternating voltage SWITCH OFF AC line power to the device is OFF SWITCH ON AC line power to the device is ON DANGEROUS VOLTAGE Indicates electrical shock hazard due to high voltage levels C A T I I INSTALLATION CATEGORY II Denotes impulse withstand voltage of 2500 V EQUIPMENT GROUNDING PRECAUTION Improper groundi...


Страница 6: ... MANUAL IS 326 CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING Pg No Rev No Pg No Rev No Title and Copyright 0 Cable Statement 0 Safety 0 A through B 0 i through x 0 1 1 through 1 24 0 2 1 through 2 4 0 3 1 through 3 28 0 4 1 through 4 72 0 5 1 through 5 30 0 6 1 through 6 116 0 A 1 through A 4 0 B 1 through B 4 0 C 1 through C 2 0 D 1 through D 12 0 Index 1 through Index 4 0 Battery Title Page 0 High Voltage Warning...


Страница 8: ...ons Specifications are also included in this section SECTION 2 INSTALLATION Provides a step by step procedure for placing the COM 120C into operation SECTION 3 CONTROLS CONNECTORS AND INDICATORS Identifies and functionally describes all COM 120C controls connectors and indicators All Operation Screens and Menus are identified and available parameters listed and explained SECTION 4 OPERATION Provid...

Страница 9: ...er 1 7 1 8 Meters 1 9 1 9 Options 1 10 1 10 COM 120C Product Specifications 1 11 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION Paragraph Title Page 2 1 General 2 1 2 2 Precautions 2 1 2 3 Power Up Procedures 2 3 2 3 1 Applying AC Power 2 3 2 3 2 Applying External DC Power 2 3 2 3 3 Battery Power Operation Option 01 2 3 SECTION 3 COMPOSITE Paragraph Title Page 3 1 Front Panel Controls 3 1 3 2 Rear Panel Controls 3 7 3 3 ...

Страница 10: ...Oscilloscope Screen 3 20 3 3 11 Spectrum Analyzer Screen 3 22 3 3 12 Audio Data Signaling Generators Screen 3 24 3 3 13 Meter Screens 3 25 3 3 14 Memory Lists and Storage of Parameters 3 26 3 3 15 Utility Function Screens 3 27 SECTION 4 OPERATION Paragraph Title Page 4 1 RF Generate Operation 4 1 4 1 1 General RF Generate Operation 4 1 4 1 2 SINAD Meter Operation 4 13 4 1 3 Distortion Meter Operat...

Страница 11: ...equency Error Meter Operation 4 49 4 2 10 Audio Frequency Counter 4 51 4 2 11 Oscilloscope Operation Screen 4 53 4 2 12 Distortion Meter 4 53 4 2 13 Store And Recall Operation 4 53 4 3 Duplex Operation 4 54 4 3 1 General Duplex Generate Operation 4 54 4 3 2 General Duplex Receive Operation 4 59 4 4 Independent Oscilloscope Operation Screen 4 62 4 5 Independent Spectrum Analyzer Operation Screen 4 ...

Страница 12: ...ing PM Modulated RF Signal 5 6 5 1 4 Generating DCS Coded RF Signal 5 8 5 1 5 Generating DTMF Coded RF Signal 5 10 5 1 6 Generating RF Signal Using External Modulation 5 12 5 1 7 Generating Microphone Modulated RF Signal 5 14 5 1 8 Encoding 2 Tone Sequential Format 5 16 5 2 RF Receive 5 19 5 2 1 Receiving FM Modulated RF Signal 5 20 5 2 2 Receiving AM Modulated RF Signal 5 22 5 2 3 Receiving PM Mo...

Страница 13: ...ption 08 6 9 6 7 1 General 6 9 6 7 2 Description of Receive Function 6 9 6 8 RCC Signaling Formats Option 09 6 10 6 9 Audio Digital Signaling Formats Option 11 6 10 6 9 1 Modulating RF Signals with Digital Signaling Formats 6 13 6 9 2 Encoding Digital Signaling Formats For Audio Signal 6 15 6 9 3 Decoding Digital Signaling Formats 6 16 6 9 4 Testing A Receiver Using Digital Signaling Formats 6 17 ...

Страница 14: ...iary Setup Screen 6 35 6 12 10 Auxiliary Setup Screen Configuration 6 37 6 12 11 Repeater Simulator Operation 6 38 6 12 12 LTR Radio Handshake Test 6 40 6 12 13 LTR Radio Handoff Test 6 41 6 12 14 LTR Radio Receive Test 6 42 6 12 15 Radio Simulator Operation 6 43 6 12 16 LTR Repeater Handshake Test 6 45 6 13 AMPS Cellular Testing Option 15 6 46 6 13 1 AMPS Cell Site Simulator Setup 6 46 6 13 2 AMP...

Страница 15: ...ic Test 6 73 6 14 4 EDACS Trunking Automatic Test Execution 6 74 6 14 5 EDACS Trunking Automatic Test Results 6 76 6 14 6 EDACS Trunking Manual Test 6 82 6 14 7 EDACS Trunking Manual Test Repeater Simulator 6 83 6 14 8 EDACS Trunking Manual Test Radio Simulator 6 88 6 14 9 EDACS High Speed Data Capture Scope 6 93 6 14 10 EDACS Store and Recall 6 94 6 14 11 EDACS Trunking Operational Notes 6 95 6 1...

Страница 16: ...6 15 12 Test Execution 6 112 6 15 13 Parametric Results 6 113 6 15 14 Off Air Monitor 6 114 APPENDICES Appendix Title Page Appendix A User I O Connectors and Pin Out Table A 1 Appendix B Abbreviations B 1 Appendix C Repacking For Shipping C 1 Appendix D Soft Function Keys D 1 INDEX BATTERY VOLTAGE FUSE INSTRUCTIONS Title Page Power Source Requirement Page 1 AC Fuse Replacement Page 1 DC Fuse Repla...


Страница 18: ...function keys multitask Soft Function Keys and a high resolution monochrome flat panel display Perform tests remotely or manually Microprocessor controlled memory allows parameter storage and recall For instance store and recall Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer traces for signal comparison The COM 120C performs a multitude of important functions simultanelusly The three basic modes of operation ...

Страница 19: ... DTMF User Defined Tone Codes or Digital Codes Meters Metering functions include SINAD Distortion and Audio Frequency Level Full Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer operation is available Testing Testing in RF Generate Operation includes Receiver Sensitivity Receiver Selectivity and Audio Frequency Level measurements U s e t h e d e c o d e c a p a b i l i t y f o r d e f i n e d D C S a n d P O C ...

Страница 20: ... connects directly to the Unit Under Test via the T R Connector Meters Receive Operation Metering functions include RF Power AM Modulation FM Deviation Phase Modulation Distortion Frequency Error AF Frequency Received Level and SINAD Full Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer operation is available Testing Testing in RF Receive Operation includes measuring Carrier Power Modulation Distortion SINAD an...

Страница 21: ...rations Duplex Operation is composed of three Operation Screens Ú T h e D u p l e x O p e r a t i o n S c r e e n c o n t a i n s b o t h R e c e i v e a n d G e n e r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n Ú T h e D u p l e x R e c e i v e O p e r a t i o n S c r e e n i s p r o v i d e d t o t e s t t h e T r a n s m i t s e c t i o n o f t h e U n i t U n d e r T e s t Ú T h e D u p l e x G e n e r a t e ...

Страница 22: ...a fixed 1 kHz tone The waveforms are sine square triangle and ramp DATA The DATA Generator generates in DCS DCS Inverted POCSAG and POCSAG Inverted formats DTMF The DTMF Generator generates DTMF coding up to 16 characters long in Burst Continuous Mode or configures the DATA ENTRY Keypad as a DTMF Keypad The DTMF Mark and Space timing and the time between string transmissions are programmable ...

Страница 23: ...e in all Operation Modes with the dependent Spectrum Analyzer In Generate Operation sources available for the Oscilloscope are through front panel input connectors Notch Filter Residual and internal modulation sources In Receive Operation sources available for the Oscilloscope are through the front panel input connectors Audio Data Signaling Generators decode lines meter lines and the demodulated ...

Страница 24: ...ent Spectrum Analyzer and with the Receive Operation The Generate Spectrum Analyzer is a relative measuring device only Available units are limited to dB Memory functions for the Spectrum Analyzer include store and recall of a trace compare a stored trace to a live trace and peak hold The Slot number is editable External signals can be off the air through the Antenna Connector or connected directl...

Страница 25: ...race and peak hold Input signals can be off the air through the Antenna Connector or connected directly to the T R Connector The Spectrum Analyzer has 0 and 30 dB attenuation available through both connectors Independent The Independent Spectrum Analyzer receives signals ranging from 250 kHz to 1000 MHz Scan widths range from 1 kHz to 100 MHz per div and zero scan The log scales are 2 and 10 dB pe...

Страница 26: ... as numeric readout or as a bar meter and numeric readout Although a meter is available in both Receive and Generate Operation available inputs may differ Dependent Meters for each Operation Mode are identified below RECEIVE OPERATION GENERATE OPERATION SINAD SINAD FM Deviation Distortion Phase Modulation Audio Level Received Level Audio Counter Independent The COM 120C provides metering capabilit...

Страница 27: ...ransceivers Option 08 SSB Receive Filter This option provides ability to monitor SSB signals Option 09 RCC Signaling This option provides 10 PS 20 PS MTS IMTS and Tone Remote Control signaling Option 11 Audio Digital Signaling This option provides encode decode capabilities for the formats CCIR CCIRH CCIRH4 EEA EIA NATEL ZVEI DZVEI DDZVEI EURO 5 6 Tone and POCSAG Option 12 Tracking Generator This ...

Страница 28: ...NAL GENERATOR Frequency Range Resolution Accuracy 250 kHz to 1 GHz 100 Hz Same as Master Oscillator Output T R and AUX RF Connectors Range T R Range AUX Resolution Accuracy VSWR 130 to 20 dBm Simplex Mode 130 to 40 dBm Duplex Mode 130 to 13 dBm 0 1 dB 2 dB 90 1 dBm 400 MHz 2 5 dB otherwise 1 15 1 0 25 to 100 MHz 1 23 1 100 to 400 MHz 1 38 1 400 MHz to 1 GHz Spectral Purity Residual FM Residual AM ...

Страница 29: ...o 40 kbps 5 Residual FM Resolution 1 kHz rate GEN1 GEN 2 EXT MOD 10 Residual FM Resolution DATA GEN 15 Residual FM Resolution DTMF GEN 2 1 kHz sine wave 10 kHz deviation 0 3 to 3 kHz BW 2 kHz Vpk 15 FM Narrow Amplitude Modulation RF Frequency Range AM Depth Range Resolution Rate Accuracy Distortion EXT MOD Sensitivity 250 kHz to 1 GHz 30 to 90 0 5 100 Hz to 10 kHz 5 Residual AM Resolution 1 kHz ra...

Страница 30: ...utput Range High Level Low Level Output Resolution High Level Low Level Output Accuracy High Level Low Level THD Wave Shapes 5 Hz to 20 kHz sinewave only 5 Hz to 10 kHz other wave shapes 0 1 Hz Same as Master Oscillator 0 1 Hz 0 01 to 2 5 Vpk into 150 Ω 1 to 250 mVpk into 150 Ω 0 01 Vpk 0 1 mV 3 full range 5 mVpk 10 kHz 0 03 Vpk 7 full range 5 mVpk 10 kHz 0 03 Vpk 4 full range 0 25 mVpk 10 kHz 0 0...

Страница 31: ... 01 Vpk 3 full range 5 mVpk 0 03 Vpk 1 to 250 mVpk into 150 Ω 1 mV 4 full range 0 25 mVpk 0 03 Vpk level 1 mVpk DTMF GENERATOR Output Range High Level Low Level Output Resolution High Level Low Level Output Accuracy High Level Low Level Modes Digits Mark Space Timing Resolution Accuracy 0 01 to 2 5 Vpk into 150 Ω 0 1 to 25 mVpk into 150 Ω 0 01 Vpk 1 mVpk 10 full range 5 mVpk 1 to 30 mV 10 full ran...

Страница 32: ... 2 µV 10 dB SINAD 2 MHz 1 kHz tone 3 3 kHz deviation 15 kHz IF BW C Message weighted filter 10 kHz FM deviation meter range 15 to 35 C 2 5 µV otherwise 10 W CW 5 sec with alarm 300 kHz 15 kHz 30 kHz IF BW Selectivity 3 dB 30 0 dB Down 300 kHz 485 kHz 15 kHz 15 kHz Demodulation Output FM AM M 0 20 Vpk kHz 10 10 kHz range 0 10 Vpk kHz 10 20 kHz range 0 04 Vpk kHz 10 50 kHz range 0 02 Vpk kHz 10 100 ...

Страница 33: ...er Range Meter Accuracy Meter Resolution RF Frequency Range RF Level T R Connector ANT Connector 0 Hz to 100 kHz Same as Master Oscillator 2 counts 1 Hz 10 sec gate time 10 Hz 1 sec gate time 250 kHz to 1 GHz The received frequency must be within the IF bandpass of the COM 120C 0 to 53 dBm 60 to 0 dBm AF FREQUENCY COUNTER Frequency Range Accuracy Resolution Input Signal Level SCOPE DVM Input AUDIO...

Страница 34: ... to 20 kHz 250 kHz to 1 GHz The received frequency must be within the IF bandpass of the COM 120C 0 to 53 dBm 60 to 0 dBm M METER Range Resolution Accuracy Modulation Rate Carrier Range Carrier Level T R Connector ANT Connector 1 2 5 10 rad peak full scale 0 01 rad 1 and 2 rad scales 0 1 rad 5 and 10 rad scales 5 of full scale 0 1 rad 1 count source residual PM 300 kHz IF BW 1 kHz tone 1 0 rad dev...

Страница 35: ...equency Range RF Level Range Usable Level Operating Conditions VSWR Alarms 2 mW to 200 W in a 1 2 5 sequence 1 of full scale or 0 1 mW whichever is greater 10 0 1 mW 1 digit 200 mW 15 C to 36 C 15 0 1 mW 1 digit 200 mW below 15 C and above 35 C 1 5 MHz to 1 GHz 2 mW to 200 W average power 0 2 mW to 200 W average power characteristics below 2 mV not specified 50 W CW continuous 50 C 100 W CW 90 sec...

Страница 36: ...0C DISTORTION METER Range Resolution Accuracy Signal Frequency Signal Level SCOPE DVM Input AUDIO DATA Input 1 to 20 0 1 0 5 distortion 1 digit 1 to 10 2 distortion 1 digit 10 to 20 1 kHz sinewave 0 03 to 200 Vrms 0 15 to 15 Vrms SINAD METER Range Resolution Accuracy Signal Frequency Signal Level SCOPE DVM Input AUDIO DATA Input 3 to 30 dB 0 1 dB 1 dB 1 count at 12 dB SINAD 1 kHz sinewave 0 03 to ...

Страница 37: ...5 mV 1 digit AUDIO DATA input DC 50 Hz to 20 kHz 1 MΩ unbalanced SCOPE DVM SINAD input 100 kΩ unbalanced AUDIO DATA input OSCILLOSCOPE Bandwidth 3 dB 50 kHz Vertical Ranges Maximum Input Accuracy Resolution Coupling 10 mV to 50 V div in a 1 2 5 sequence 200 rms 5 full scale 1 full scale 256 data points 8 major divisions DC AC and GND Horizontal Ranges Resolution Accuracy Input Impedance 100 µs to ...

Страница 38: ...Ranges Accuracy Operational Modes Modes 1 kHz to 100 MHz div in a 1 2 5 sequence and zero span 5 of span width Normal Split Screen Scan Width Resolution BW 100 MHz div 3 MHz 50 MHz 3 MHz 20 MHz 3 MHz 10 MHz 3 MHz 5 MHz 300 kHz 2 MHz 300 kHz 1 MHz 300 kHz 500 kHz 30 kHz 200 kHz 30 kHz 100 kHz 30 kHz 50 kHz 30 kHz 20 kHz 3 kHz 10 kHz 3 kHz 5 kHz 3 kHz 2 kHz 300 Hz 1 kHz 300 Hz 0 kHz 30 kHz ...

Страница 39: ...tor Operations Mode Baud Rates Stop Bits Parity Handshake Off PC Input Output 100 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 1 2 Odd Even None None Xon Xoff CTS RTS MASTER OSCILLATOR TCXO Frequency Uncertainty Temperature Stability Aging Rate 10 MHz 0 1 ppm 0 2 ppm 0 to 50 C 0 5 ppm year POWER REQUIREMENTS Line Voltage DC Input Power Consumption AC DC 100 to 120 VAC at 60 Hz 220 to 240 VAC at 50 ...

Страница 40: ...ansient Overvoltages Pollution Degree Non condutive pollution only 4000 meters 13 124 feet 0 to 50 C 80 for temperatures up to 31 C decreasing linearly to 50 at 40 C 10 of the nominal voltage According to Installation Category II 2 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions Weight 40 0 cm 15 75 wide 19 0 cm 7 5 high 42 9 cm 16 875 deep without bail handle and front panel cover 44 0 cm 17 32 wide 19 0 cm 7...




Страница 44: ...ont Panel Power ON Key to activate Unit Power ON Indicator lights 2 3 2 APPLYING EXTERNAL DC POWER o Connect dc power cord to DC Input Connector o Properly connect non terminated ends of dc power cord to a 10A current limited dc power source Power APPLIED Indicator lights when power is available o Press COM 120C Front Panel Power ON Key to activate Unit Power ON Indicator lights OTe n Before opera...


Страница 46: ...on of current test operation 3 Test Mode Keys GEN Accesses Generate Mode Operation Screen DPLX Accesses DUPLEX Mode Operation Screen REC Accesses Receive Mode Operation Screen SPCL Accesses Special Optional Operation Modes 4 Instrument Keys SCOPE Accesses Independent Oscilloscope Operation Screen MTRS Accesses Independent Meter Functions ANLYZ Accesses Independent Spectrum Analyzer Operation Scree...

Страница 47: ...cedure Use to set sign of entered value 6 CONTROL Keys ESC Use to escape an editing procedure without change to parameters TAB Moves cursor to predetermined areas to simplify editing HOLD SCRN Use to freeze current screen to observe data or print the screen Press HOLD SCRN Key again to return Test Set to normal operation SHIFT ESC Deletes the character the cursor is on when editing START STOP Use ...

Страница 48: ...T PANEL KEY SHIFT CHARACTER GEN A REC B 1 C 2 D 3 E F DPLX G SPCL H 4 I 5 J 6 K L SCOPE M ANLYZ N 7 O 8 P 9 Q MTRS R AUDIO GEN S T 0 U V STORE W RCL X SHOW LIST Y SETUP Z TAB space SHIFT ESC Deletes Character Shift Character Table ...

Страница 49: ...croll through current test mode operation screen scroll through lists of parameter selections and actively increase and decrease one digit of numeric parameters Current test mode operation screen changes with entered data changed parameter becomes current default unless ENTER Key is pressed Pressing ESC Soft Function Key returns changed parameter to previous setting 12 T R Connector 50 Ω Connector...

Страница 50: ...e and receive lines are available CAUTION DO NOT EXCEED 20 V MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS INPUT OR DAMAGE TO THE COM 120C MAY RESULT 17 DATA SCROLL Keys Allows operator to scroll through current test mode operation screen scroll through list of parameter selections and actively increase and decrease one digit of numeric parameters Increasing and decreasing digits affects higher digits in parameter Current t...

Страница 51: ...Y Keys STORE Selection allows operator to store current Operation Screen and all current parameters for future access RCL Selection allows operator to recall previously stored Operation Screens SHOW LIST Provides access to menu of all storage lists SETUP Provides access to setup menu for system information and system configuration 22 PCMCIA Card Slot Provides access to enhance software capability ...

Страница 52: ...12 24 to 30 Vdc to COM 120C CAUTION DO NOT EXCEED 30 Vdc OR DAMAGE TO THE COM 120C MAY RESULT 27 DC Fuse 10 A 32 V Type F AGC Fuse is provided for dc operation CAUTION ONLY USE 10 A 32 V TYPE F FUSE OR DAMAGE TO THE COM 120C MAY RESULT 28 AC Input Connector Accepts ac power cord to supply ac power to COM 120C CAUTION DO NOT EXCEED 265 VAC OR DAMAGE TO THE COM 120C MAY RESULT ...

Страница 53: ... Power Switch Switches power applied ON an OFF 31 Battery Access Panel Provides access to battery 32 RS 232 Connector Provides serial interface for remote operations with COM 120C 33 GPIB Connector Option IEEE 488 Connector provides parallel interface for remote operations with COM 120C 34 Reference Connector Provides connection for input of external 10 MHz Reference Signal ...

Страница 54: ...ot being edited Or use TAB Function as follows o Press TAB Key o Enter value in desired screen location using DATA ENTRY Key s o Press ENTER Key to complete the operation 3 3 3 EDITING FIELDS USING DATA SCROLL KEYS AND SPINNER All fields can be edited using DATA SCROLL Keys and or DATA SCROLL Spinner Editing Numeric Data Fields is a special case and is covered in para 4 1 3 Edit the remainder of t...


Страница 56: ...ited is not highlighted Pressing DATA SCROLL Key moves highlight to less significant digit Pressing DATA SCROLL Key moves highlight to more significant digit o Once digit to be edited is selected press DATA SCROLL Key to increase digit value and DATA SCROLL Key to decrease digit value Alternate method is to use DATA SCROLL Spinner Turning DATA SCROLL Spinner clockwise increases value and countercl...

Страница 57: ...el Blank if Frequency List Label is not used 5 Output Level Displays Output Level in selected units If T R Connector is selected for Output 6 range is 130 to 20 dBm 0 07 to 22360 6 µV 0 0000 to 22 3606 mV and 0 000000 to 0 022360 V If AUX RF Connector is selected for Output 6 range is 130 to 13 dBm 0 07 to 50059 3 µV 0 0000 to 50 0593 mV and 0 000000 to 0 050059 V 6 Output Displays connector selec...

Страница 58: ... current filter information for selected analog signal Selections include AF Decode Line Data Decode Line and Speaker Headphones Line 10 Soft Function Key Definitions Functions are redefined with each field of the current operation screen 11 SINAD Distortion Meters Displays selected Meter Operation Selections are SINAD or Distortion Meters 12 AF Level Meter Displays AF LEVEL METER Operation 13 Osc...

Страница 59: ...Frequency List Setting Displays selected Frequency List number FL 00 through FL 99 when active and OFF when inactive RF Field 2 echoes frequency of selected Frequency List setting Directly editing RF Field 2 inactivates FL Setting Displays optional Frequency List Label if used 4 Input Connector Displays connector selected for input Displays either T R or ANT 5 Demodulation Type Displays selected D...

Страница 60: ...ation reading in units of selected DEMOD Type 5 if Modulation is selected This field is interactive with Distortion SINAD Modulation Meter 12 and displays reading when Distortion SINAD Modulation Meter 12 displays meter The same reading cannot be displayed twice Selection of a specific reading changes source of nonedited field to another source 12 Distortion SINAD Modulation Meter Displays distort...

Страница 61: ...tor only in dBm and µV 15 RF Error Meter Displays difference in RF Field 2 and frequency of received signal 16 AF Frequency Counter Displays Audio Frequency of received signal 17 Scan Width Displays current Scan Width This field is editable 18 Scope Analyzer Screen Displays digitized trace of specified signal as Oscilloscope or Spectrum Analyzer 19 Scope Analyzer Prompt Displays current operation ...

Страница 62: ...f AUX RF Connector is selected for Output 6 range is 130 to 13 dBm 0 to 0 050059 V 0 to 50 0593 mV or 0 07 to 50059 3 µV 6 Output Displays Output Connector Displays T R T R Gate AUX or AUX Gate Gated Output is active only when microphone attached to MIC ACC Connector is keyed 7 Modulation Source Window Displays active Modulation Sources Inactive Modulation Sources are not shown If two or more sect...

Страница 63: ...ANTENNA Connector in dBm 12 SINAD Distortion Reading Displays selected measurement Selections include SINAD or Distortion Readings 13 AF Frequency Reading Displays Audio Frequency of demodulated signal 14 Modulation Reading Displays modulation reading in units of selected Demodulation Type 17 With FM selected Field displays DEVIATION and has reading in units of kHz With AM selected Field displays ...

Страница 64: ...Frequency List setting Directly editing Duplex Receive RF Field 20 inactivates FL Setting Displays optional Frequency List Label if used Blank if unused 20 Duplex Receive RF Field Displays current Duplex Receive Frequency Range is 0 0000 to 1000 0000 MHz 21 Attenuation Displays selected attenuation of input signal Displays either 0 or 30 22 Duplex Receive Prompt Accesses Duplex Receive Operation S...

Страница 65: ...ion is in same units as Sweep 1 with Trigger point as reference 4 Trigger Type Displays selected Trigger Type 5 Trigger Adjusts trigger level as indicated by Trigger Level Indicator 11 when accessed 6 Mode Displays selected Operation Mode Selections include Menu Average Pk Hold Min Hold and Store Menu displays a menu window with selections Live Recall Compare Live Ref and Ref Live Live displays cu...

Страница 66: ...elected horizontal offset in major divisions Selections range from 10 to 10 Divisions 8 V Pos Accesses vertical position of trace Trace above or below screen is indicated by straight line trace at top or bottom graticule 9 Coupling Displays selected Oscilloscope Coupling Selections include AC DC and GND Ground 10 Marker User editable Marker controlled using MARKER Position 3 Movable through extent...

Страница 67: ...xtent of visible screen 5 Center Frequency Displays Center Frequency Selections range from 0 0000 to 1000 0000 MHz For Scan Widths 32 MHz div start and stop frequencies must be above 0 MHz and below 1000 MHz 6 Resolution Bandwidth Displays editable Resolution Bandwidth field for selected Scan Width 2 7 UNCAL Displays UNCAL for settings that cause an uncalibrated condition 8 Marker Position Display...

Страница 68: ...ve Ref and Ref Live Live displays current signal without modification Recall displays Stored trace only Compare displays Stored trace and live trace simultaneously In Live Ref the value of each point of the reference trace is subtracted from the current reading and the result is displayed In Ref Live the value of current reading is subtracted from the stored value and the result is displayed Both ...

Страница 69: ... 1 2 Active Source Block Displays all active sources Sources include GEN1 Audio Generator 1 GEN2 Audio Generator 2 DTMF DTMF Tone Generator and DATA DATA Generator Displays MAX LEVEL EXCEEDED excessive level notification 3 Audio Generator 2 Section Defines and activates Audio Generator 2 4 DTMF Generator Section Defines and activates DTMF Generator 5 DATA Generator Section Defines and activates DA...

Страница 70: ... AF Counter counts the audio signal supplied at the indicated source 2 SINAD Meter The SINAD Meter determines SINAD for a 1 kHz tone passed to the COM 120C through the specified Source 3 Digital Voltmeter The Digital Voltmeter DVM measures voltage at the indicated Source The units are dependent on the Source 4 Distortion Meter The Distortion Meter determines Distortion for a 1 kHz tone passed to t...

Страница 71: ... Screen affects only that screen The same is true for the RF Receive Operation Screen Accessing a Frequency List Parameter from any Duplex Operation Screen activates the Generate Frequency the Receive Frequency and Duplex Offset Whenever used the Label is also activated for any Operation Screen 2 Stored Setup List Accessing the Stored Setup List displays a screen for editing the Stored Setup List ...

Страница 72: ...nfigure the COM 120C GPIB Protocol 5 RS 232 Settings The RS 232 Setup Screen is used to configure the COM 120C RS 232 Protocol 6 Run Time The System Run Time Screen displays COM 120C cumulative time spent in operation Time is displayed in Hours and Minutes 7 Diagnostics The System Diagnostics Screen displays a menu to access specific Diagnostic Screens Diagnostic Description Diagnostic Description...

Страница 73: ...Setup A variety of screens appear under this setup entry depending on the type of PCMCIA card installed The COM 120C PCMCIA card slot is another Input Output Source when a PCMCIA card is inserted 11 Print Screen Setup The Print Screen Setup allows the COM 120C to print to a File RS 232 PCMCIA card or GPIB Drive File Type Print Mode and Format are all configurable 12 Restore Defaults When selected ...

Страница 74: ...to increment RF Field Range is 0 to 500 MHz On Off Activate deactivate Function Prompt displays by RF Field To Operate with Set Reference Function SET REF R appears beside RF Field When active RF Field is set to 0 MHz and changes made to RF Field display offset from Reference Frequency To deactivate Set Reference Function press SET REF until R is not visible To Operate with Sweep Operation SWEEP O...

Страница 75: ...ting T Fwd Selects Trunking Forward Channel List T Rvs Selects Trunking Reverse Channel List C Fwd Selects Cellular Forward Channel List C Rvs Select Cellular Reverse Channel List FL Select User Defined Frequency List If Cellular Channel List or User Defined Frequency List is selected enter channel frequency number Range of cellular channels is 1 to 1023 Range of Frequency List is 0 to 99 If Trunk...

Страница 76: ... SINAD Accesses SINAD Search Function S On Off Activates deactivates SINAD Search Function To operate with SINAD Search Function SINAD Accesses field to set SINAD Search Function value Range of SINAD is 6 to 55 dB S On Off S is displayed beside Output Level Field to activate SINAD Search Function Press F6 again to deactivate RF 10 0000 MHz FL OFF Level 30 0 dBm Output T R SINAD 15 0 dB Level 20 0 ...

Страница 77: ...ections of the RF Modulator are set in conflict e g GEN1 set for PM and GEN2 set for FM or GEN1 set for 0 001 kHz deviation and GEN2 set for 2 60 kHz deviation the screen displays the invalid source grayed out Set Modulation Source Block as follows GEN1 If Audio Generator 1 Operation is desired GEN2 If Audio Generator 2 Operation is desired DATA If DATA Generator Operation is desired DTMF If DTMF ...

Страница 78: ...mission of signal BURST For single transmission of selected signal TIME Accesses Burst Time Window if TONE is the selected format CONFIG Accesses Configuration Window if USER is the selected format Used to configure User Selectable Frequency and Duration for codes 0 through 9 and A through T Enter desired frequencies and durations for codes Range of frequencies are 0 to 9999 9 Hz Range of duration...

Страница 79: ...erwise Select Shape of Wave as follows SINE Selects SINE Wave Shape RAMP Selects RAMP Wave Shape TRIANGLE Selects TRIANGLE Wave Shape SQUARE Selects SQUARE Wave Shape o If TONE is not selected Format enter Code CLEAR Clears current code entry Mod Src Deviation Format Freq TONE GEN1 1000 0 Hz 5 0 kHz FM Shape SINE Mod Src Deviation Format Code 20 PS GEN1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5 0 kHz FM 1000 0 Hz Fre...

Страница 80: ...Select the desired Operation CLEAR Clears code field of current data CONT Activates DTMF Code in repeating loop BURST Activates DTMF Code for one tone sequence KEY Sets DATA ENTRY Keys as DTMF keypad o Enter selected Mark Time for DTMF tones Range is 10 to 999 ms o Enter selected Space Time for DTMF tones Range is 1 to 999 ms o Enter selected Pause Time for DTMF tones Range is 1 to 999 ms Mod Src ...

Страница 81: ...00 0 for AM Modulation FM Range is 0 00 to 100 kHz for FM Modulation PM Range is 0 00 to 10 Radians for PM Modulation o Enter Deviation Modulation Level Select the desired Format MENU Accesses a menu with available format selections Cursor to DCS DCS INV POCSAG or POCSAG INV Format and press ENTER o Enter desired Code Range is 000 Octal to 777 Octal Mod Src Deviation Format Code DCS DATA 114 5 0 k...

Страница 82: ... FM For FM Modulation PM For PM Modulation If FM Modulation is selected set Deviation Range as follows NAR 3 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 2 kHz NAR 2 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 2 kHz to 12 75 kHz NAR 1 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 12 75 kHz to 25 kHz WIDE For Deviation Range setting for deviation 25 kHz Mod Src MIC FM Dev Range NAR 3 Mod Src MIC FM Dev Rang...

Страница 83: ...ation is selected set Deviation Range as follows NAR 3 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 2 kHz NAR 2 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 2 kHz to 12 75 kHz NAR 1 For Deviation Range setting for deviation 12 75 kHz to 25 kHz WIDE For Deviation Range setting for deviation 25 kHz Deviation Range automatically sets to WIDE if total deviation of FM sources exceeds 20 kHz Mod Src Dev Range...

Страница 84: ...ilter to OFF C MSG Selects C Message Weighted Filter Select DTMF SINAD High Pass Filter Field setting as follows OFF Sets Filter to OFF 300Hz Activates 300 Hz High Pass Filter Select DTMF SINAD Low Pass Filter Field setting as follows OFF Press OFF Soft Function Key F1 to set Filter to OFF 4kHz Activates 4 kHz Low Pass Filter 20kHz Activates 20 kHz Low Pass Filter EXEC Executes all edits made to t...

Страница 85: ...aker RETURN Returns to RF Generate Operation Screen To display different Filter Line settings AF DEC Displays DTMF SINAD Filter Settings SPKR Displays Speaker Headphones Filter Settings o Select desired Meter Operation as follows SINAD Selects SINAD Meter as active meter Not displayed if meter is currently active DIST Selects Distortion Meter as active meter Not displayed if meter is currently act...

Страница 86: ...Enter RF Gen Level as required OTe n Editing RF field affects level on RF Generate Operation Screen To operate with SINAD Search Function dBm Selects dBm as RF Level Units uV Selects uV as RF Level Units mV Selects mV as RF Level Units V Selects V as RF Level Units SINAD Accesses field to set SINAD Search Function value Range of SINAD is 6 to 55 dB S On Off S is displayed beside RF Level Field to ...

Страница 87: ...llows OFF ON Toggles Average Function ON or OFF Cursor to Sample Number to enter desired value Range is 2 to 10 If Upper Limit Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Upper Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 55 dB If Lower Limit Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 55 dB Range Pe...

Страница 88: ...ATION If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Generate Operation Screen Lower Limit Alarm ON OFF 12 0 ...

Страница 89: ...r as follows ZOOM Displays full screen Distortion Meter o Enter RF Gen Level as required OTe n Editing RF field affects level on RF Generate Operation Screen dBm Selects dBm as RF Level Units uV Selects uV as RF Level Units mV Selects mV as RF Level Units V Selects V as RF Level Units Select Range as follows 20 Selects 20 Range 100 Selects 100 Range AUTO Selects Autorange for Range Range Peak Hold...

Страница 90: ...ure as follows OFF ON Toggles Upper Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 0 to 100 0 If Lower Limit Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 0 to 100 0 If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to ...

Страница 91: ...ge MENU Displays Range selections including Autorange OTe n Selecting units of dBm or dB sets Range to AUTO Autorange If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF Displays Peak High and Peak Low digital readout when ON RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function If Average Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Togg...

Страница 92: ...0 Vrms If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Generate Operation Screen Select desired units for digital readout as follows Vrms Select Vrms as units dBm Select dBm as units Range is 0 to 1000 Ω dB Select dB as units Press F3 as needed to set current reading as Reference Upper L...

Страница 93: ...ation o Select Scope Source Refer to this selection table Sour c e Si gnal I nput Si gnal Type Sour c e Si gnal I nput Si gnal Type Sc op e DV M GN D SCO PE D V M Co n n ec to r Ext e r na l GN D Co u pl e d Sig n al No tc h Re si d ua l In t ern al Fi lt e re d Si g n al No tc h Fil te r e d Sig n al p a ss e d to S INA D a n d Dis t orti o n M et e rs Re a di n g i s rel ati v e wi th n o u nit ...

Страница 94: ...2 0 0 5 00 mV Di v 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 50 V D iv Au di o D at a I n 1 00 2 0 0 5 0 0 mV D iv 1 2 5 V D iv Sc op e DV M D C 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 5 00 mV 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 50 V In t Mo d GEN 1 FM 2 5 k Hz GEN 1 F M 2 5 t o 1 2 7 5 kH z GEN 1 FM 1 2 7 5 t o 2 5 kH z GEN 1 FM 2 5 kH z GEN 1 P M 2 5 5 RAD GEN 1 P M 2 5 5 RAD GEN 1 A M 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 kH z Div 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 kH z Div 0 2 0 4 1 2 4 1 0 kH z...

Страница 95: ...een Oscilloscope as follows MENU Accesses a list of sweep settings ROLL To view the scope trace in a roll mode The selected sweep rate must be 100 ms div or higher SLOW To return to normal mode of operation Configure full screen Oscilloscope as follows NORM Selects Normallized Trigger AUTO Selects Auto Trigger 1 SHOT Selects and resets One Shot Trigger 500 us div Trig Type AUTO ...

Страница 96: ... Selects Recall Operation Mode COMPARE Selects Compare Operation Mode LIVE REF Selects Live Ref Operation Mode REF LIVE Selects Ref Live Operation Mode RETURN Exits to Generate Scope AVG Selects Average Operation Mode PK HOLD Selects Peak Hold Operation Mode MIN HOLD Selects Minimum Hold Operation Mode STORE Stores the current trace Mode LIVE ...

Страница 97: ...M A C 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 5 00 mV Di v 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 50 V D iv Au di o D at a I n 1 00 2 0 0 5 0 0 mV D iv 1 2 5 V D iv Sc op e DV M D C 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 5 00 mV 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 50 V In t Mo d GEN 1 FM 2 5 k Hz GEN 1 F M 2 5 t o 1 2 7 5 kH z GEN 1 FM 1 2 7 5 t o 2 5 kH z GEN 1 FM 2 5 kH z GEN 1 P M 2 5 5 RAD GEN 1 P M 2 5 5 RAD GEN 1 A M 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 kH z Div 1 2 5 1 0 2 0 5 0 kH z Div...

Страница 98: ...requency Level Meters The zoomed or full screen Spectrum Analyzer maintains the configuration of the abbreviated Spectrum Analyzer and vice versa Spectrum Analyzer parameters set on any of the Operation Screens remain constant on all screens Configuring the abbreviated Spectrum Analyzer is as follows MENU Accesses a list of Scan Width settings CONFIG Accesses a pop up screen to configure Scan Widt...

Страница 99: ...n Width as follows MENU Accesses Scan Width selections including zero scan COUPLE Sets the sweep and RBW to factory default state for current scan width OTe n UNCAL appears in the display when combinations of RBW frequency span and sweep rate for which the analyzer is not calibrated are used Set Scale as follows 10 dB Selects 10 dB Vertical Scale 2 dB Selects 2 dB Vertical Scale 105 0000 MHz 0 10 ...

Страница 100: ... Selects Recall Operation Mode COMPARE Selects Compare Operation Mode LIVE REF Selects Live Ref Operation Mode REF LIVE Selects Ref Live Operation Mode RETURN Exits to Generate Scope AVG Selects Average Operation Mode PK HOLD Selects Peak Hold Operation Mode MIN HOLD Selects Minimum Hold Operation Mode STORE Stores the current trace Mode LIVE ...

Страница 101: ...OLL Keys and or DATA SCROLL Spinner o Access Ref Field to adjust Vertical Scale as needed If Scan Width is set to zero scan enter Zero Scan Sweep selection as follows MENU Use to set Zero Scan Sweep DEFLT Sets the current field to factory default COUPLE Use to set sweep and RBW to factory default state for the current scan width Scale 10 dB Ref ...

Страница 102: ...te pair STORE Operation for RF Generate Operation is as follows o Press STORE MEMORY Key o Enter or scroll through Setup value Range is 0 to 49 Press ENTER Key o If Name is desired press ENTER Key with Cursor on Name Enter Name using DATA ENTRY Keys Name can be alphabetic and or numeric characters Press ENTER Key o Type displays the type of data currently saved in the specified setup number Types ...

Страница 103: ...nerate Operation Screen configuration automatically switches the COM 120C to the selected mode of operation RECALL Operation for RF Generate Operation is as follows o Press RECALL MEMORY Key o Enter Setup value Range is 0 to 49 Press ENTER Key o Type displays the type of data currently saved in the specified setup number Types recalled are DUPLEX GENERATOR RECEIVER GENERATOR RECEIVER and EMPTY o P...

Страница 104: ...to 1000 0000 MHz Activate additional functions as desired To operate with Function active Activates window to increment RF Field Range is 0 to 500 MHz On Off Activate deactivate Function Prompt displays by RF Field To Operate with Scan Function SCAN Opens Scan Configuration Window Enter start Frequency List number end Frequency List number and Frequency List number change increment Enter Pause and...

Страница 105: ...te RF Receive and Spectrum Analyzer RF Frequencies locked press F5 until L is displayed beside RF Field Press F5 again to unlock o If Frequency List Operation is desired instead of entering frequency in RF Field select Frequency List Setting as follows On Off Activates Frequency List Setting T Fwd Selects Trunking Forward Channel List T Rvs Selects Trunking Reverse Channel List C Fwd Selects Cellu...

Страница 106: ...ss ENTER Key o Set Input Level Units as follows T R Selects T R as input connector ANT Selects Antenna as input connector o Set Attenuation as follows 30 dB Selects 30 dB attenuation for input signal 0 dB Selects 0 dB attenuation for input signal o Set Demodulation Type as follows AM Selects AM Demodulation FM Selects FM Demodulation PM Selects PM Demodulation RF 10 0000 MHz FL OFF Input ANT Atten...

Страница 107: ...ndwidth General Guidelines for IF Filter Selection are as follows For FM Modulated Signals IF 4 F Fm For PM Modulated Signals IF 4Fm Φ 1 For AM Modulated Signals IF 15 kHz for Fm 1 kHz o Edit AF Generator sources as required GEN1 Selects GEN1 as source GEN2 Selects GEN2 as source DATA Selects DATA as source DTMF Selects DTMF as source RETURN Exits source window RF 10 0000 MHz FL OFF Input ANT Atte...

Страница 108: ...enerator Filters Menu when cursor is on the Filter Line Select MOD METERS Bandpass Filter Field setting as follows OFF Sets Filter to OFF C MSG Selects C Message Weighted Filter Select MOD METERS High Pass Filter Field setting as follows OFF Sets Filter to OFF 300Hz Activates 300 Hz High Pass Filter 4kHz Activates 4 kHz Low Pass Filter EXEC Executes all edits made to the screen Source GEN1 State O...

Страница 109: ...C Executes all edits made to the screen Select Speaker Headphones Filter Field setting as follows OFF Sets Filter to OFF C MSG Selects C Message Weighted Filter W B Selects no filtering AUD GEN Routes Audio Signal Internal Modulation sources to Speaker RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen SETUP MENU ECTION LOW PASS FILTER 4kHz OFF OFF OFF SPEAKER PHONES PRESS EXEC TO ACTIV W B DEMOD OUT D...

Страница 110: ...etector Signal through C Message Weighted Filter DAT DEC Accesses Data Decoder Signal AF DECD Accesses AF Decoder SINAD Signal MOD MTR Accesses Modulation Meters Signal o Select MOD METERS DTMT SINAD AF CNTR DECODE DATA DECODER SPEAKER PHONES or DEMOD OUT Filter settings as desired and execute SPEAKER PHONES PRESS EXEC TO ACTIV W B DEMOD OUT DET OUT ...

Страница 111: ...d to the SINAD Meter is provided by the Audio Data Filters o For SINAD Meter Operation see page 4 13 4 2 3 DISTORTION METER OPERATION o The Distortion Meter for the RF Receiver measures Distortion for a 1 kHz tone demodulated from an RF Signal Filtering for the signal passed to the Distortion Meter is provided by the Audio Data Filters o For Distortion Meter Operation see page 4 16 ...

Страница 112: ...Operation Screen AC Selects AC Coupling DC Selects DC Coupling FM Z Automatically calibrates FM Zero with no signal applied Select Range as follows MENU Accesses menu of range selections AUTO Selects Autorange for Range If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function DEVIATION 2 kHz 0...

Страница 113: ...Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 55 dB If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Generate Operation Screen If Mode Function is desired configure as follows NORM Displays normal status bar BOTH Displays negative to positive status bar RETURN Ret...

Страница 114: ...lect Range as follows 40 Selects 40 range 100 Selects 100 range AUTO Selects Autorange for Range If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function If Average Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Average Function ON or OFF Cursor to Sample Number to enter desired value...

Страница 115: ... is 0 to 99 9 If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen If Mode Function is desired configure as follows NORM Displays normal status bar BOTH Displays negative to positive status bar RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen Upper Limit Lower Limit ON O...

Страница 116: ...Te n Editing RF field affects level on RF Receive Operation Screen Select Range as follows 1 RAD Selects 1 Rad range 2 RAD Selects 2 Rad range 5 RAD Selects 5 Rad range 10 RAD Selects 10 Rad range AUTO Selects Autorange for Range If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function PHASE 1...

Страница 117: ... Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 9 99 Radians If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen If Mode Function is desired configure as follows NORM Displays normal status bar BOTH Displays negative to positive status bar RET...

Страница 118: ...ect Range as follows MENU Accesses menu of range selections If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function If Average Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Average Function ON or OFF Cursor to Sample Number to enter desired value Range is 2 to 10 RF POWER 200 mW 0 1...

Страница 119: ...sired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 200 W If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen Upper Limit Lower Limit ON ON 12 0 28 0 Lower Limit Alarm ON OFF 12 0 Lower Limit Alarm ON OFF 12 0 ...

Страница 120: ...for Input Signal 0 dB Selects 0 dB attenuation for Input Signal Select Range as follows 300 kHz Selects 300 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter 15 kHz Selects 15 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter 30 kHz Selects 30 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function REC LEVEL 25 dBm 120 ...

Страница 121: ... Toggles Upper Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 200 W If Lower Limit Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 200 W If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Scre...

Страница 122: ... RF Receive Operation Screen Select IF Bandwidth as follows 300 kHz Selects 300 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter 15 kHz Selects 15 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter 30 kHz Selects 30 kHz IF Bandwidth Filter Select Range as follows 100 Hz Selects 100 Hz range 1 kHz Selects 1 Hz range 10 kHz Selects 10 kHz range 100 kHz Selects 100 kHz range AUTO Selects Autorange 100 kHz RF ERROR 0 034 kHz 104 999966 MHz 100 kHz 105 ...

Страница 123: ...ure as follows OFF ON Toggles Upper Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 110 to 30 dBm If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen Configure Gate Time as follows 0 1 S Selects 0 1 Second as Gate Time 1 0 S Selects 1 0 Second as Gate Time RETURN...

Страница 124: ...ncy Counter follows ZOOM Displays full screen Audio Frequency Counter Select Range as follows 200 Hz Selects 200 Hz range 2000 Hz Selects 2000 Hz range 20 kHz Selects 20 kHz range AUTO Selects Autorange If Peak Hold Function is desired take meter out of Autorange and configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Peak Hold Function ON or OFF RST PK Resets Peak Hold Function DEMOD 2000 Hz ON ON OFF 1 S Source...

Страница 125: ...llows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 20000 Hz If Alarm Function is desired configure as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen Configure Gate Time as follows 1 S Selects 1 Second as Gate Time 10 S Selects 10 Seconds as Gate Time RETURN Returns to RF...

Страница 126: ...nalyzer is usable as an abbreviated Spectrum Analyzer or as a Full Screen Spectrum Analyzer The configuration of one is reflected in the other o Pressing F1 when the cursor is on the abbreviated Spectrum Analyzer SCOPE ANALYZER field accesses the Full Screen Spectrum Analyzer o For Spectrum Analyzer Operation Screen see page 4 27 4 2 13 STORE AND RECALL OPERATION o Pressing STORE Memory Key allows...

Страница 127: ...ively use the COM 120C to perform specific operator defined tests 4 3 1 GENERAL DUPLEX GENERATE OPERATION o Enter desired frequency in Duplex Generate RF Field Frequency range is 0 0000 to 1000 0000 MHz Activate additional functions as desired To operate with Function active Activates window to increment RF Field Range is 0 to 500 MHz On Off Activate deactivate Function Prompt displays by RF Field...

Страница 128: ...el as follows dBm Selects dBm as Output Level Units uV Selects µV as Output Level Units mV Selects mV as Output Level Units V Selects V as Output Level Units Select Output as follows T R Selects T R Connector as output connector AUX Selects AUX RF Connector as output connector T R Gate Selects T R Connector as gated output connector AUX Gate Selects AUX RF Connector as gated output connector RF 10...

Страница 129: ...esired MIC If Microphone Modulation Operation is desired EXT If External Modulation Operation is desired Select the desired Modulation Type OFF Modulation OFF AM Range is 0 0 to 100 0 for AM Modulation FM Range is 0 00 to 100 kHz for FM Modulation PM Range is 0 00 to 10 Radians for PM Modulation Mod Src Deviation Format Freq TONE GEN1 1000 0 Hz 5 0 kHz FM Shape SINE Mod Src Deviation Format Freq T...

Страница 130: ...format CONFIG Accesses Configuration Window if USER is the selected format Used to configure User Selectable Frequency and Duration for codes 0 through 9 and A through T Enter desired frequencies and durations for codes Range of frequencies are 0 to 9999 9 Hz Range of durations are 0 to 99 999 seconds Use F1 and F2 to scroll up or down through Configuration Window Use F3 to fill remainder of curre...

Страница 131: ...ter Shape Range is 5 to 20000 Hz with Shape set to SINE Range is 5 to 10000 Hz otherwise Select Shape of Wave as follows SINE Selects SINE Wave Shape RAMP Selects RAMP Wave Shape TRIANGLE Selects TRIANGLE Wave Shape SQUARE Selects SQUARE Wave Shape Mod Src Deviation Format Freq TONE GEN1 1000 0 Hz 5 0 kHz FM Shape SINE ...

Страница 132: ...d Receive RF operation o If Frequency List Operation is desired instead of entering frequency in RF Field select Frequency List Setting as follows On Off Activates Frequency List Setting T Fwd Selects Trunking Forward Channel List T Rvs Selects Trunking Reverse Channel List C Fwd Selects Cellular Forward Channel List C Rvs Select Cellular Reverse Channel List FL Select User Defined Frequency List ...

Страница 133: ...ss ENTER Key o Set Input Level Units as follows T R Selects T R as input connector ANT Selects Antenna as input connector o Set Attenuation as follows 30 dB Selects 30 dB attenuation for input signal 0 dB Selects 0 dB attenuation for input signal o Set Demodulation Type as follows AM Selects AM Demodulation FM Selects FM Demodulation PM Selects PM Demodulation RF 10 0000 MHz FL OFF Input ANT Atten...

Страница 134: ...Hz and IF is Minimum IF Filter Bandwidth General Guidelines for IF Filter Selection are as follows For FM Modulated Signals IF 4 F Fm For PM Modulated Signals IF 4Fm Φ 1 For AM Modulated Signals IF 15 kHz for Fm 1 kHz o Select Tone Data Type for TONE DATA CODE Field as required Press F2 to activate decoding o Select desired DISTORTION SINAD Reading Press F2 to select SINAD Reading Press F3 to sele...

Страница 135: ...loscope Test Instrument is independent of all other Operation Modes For Oscilloscope operation see page 4 20 4 5 INDEPENDENT SPECTRUM ANALYZER OPERATION SCREEN Press the ANLYZ INSTRUMENTS Key to access the Spectrum Analyzer Operation Screen This Spectrum Analyzer Test Instrument is independent of all other Operation Modes For Spectrum Analyzer operation see page 4 25 ...

Страница 136: ...generators output level should not exceed 2 5 volts in X1 mode and 25 mV in 10 divide by 10 mode If 10 mode is selected ALL signal generators are affected The intention is to provide sufficient information to allow the operator to effectively use the COM 120C to perform specific operator defined tests 4 6 1 AUDIO GENERATOR 1 OPERATION Configure and operate Audio Generator 1 as follows GEN1 Toggles...

Страница 137: ... of duration is 20 to 9999 ms PG UP Scrolls UP through configuration window PG DN Scrolls DOWN through configuration window FILL Fills remainder of current column with value of current cursor position RETURN Exits configuration window o Enter code Press F1 to clear current code entry o Enter Level Selections range from 0 to 2 5 Vp in X1 times 1 Mode and 0 to 25 0 mVp in 10 divide by 10 Mode CONT M...

Страница 138: ...om 0 to 2 5 Vp in X1 times 1 mode and 0 to 25 0 mVp in 10 divide by 10 mode Select Mode as follows CONT Selects continuous transmission of a signal BURST Executes a single transmission of selected signal OTe n If TONE is selected as Format enter duration time for TONE Burst in T field Time duration ranges from 0 to 30 seconds CONT Mode Level 0 00 Vp CONT Mode Level 0 00 Vp ...

Страница 139: ...lects Sine wave RAMP Selects Ramp wave TRIANGLE Selects Triangle wave SQUARE Selects Square wave Set Level attenuation as follows X1 Selects X1 times 1 level attenuation 10 Selects 10 divide by 10 level attenuation OTe n Level selections range from 0 to 2 5 Vp in X1 times 1 mode and 0 to 25 0 mVp in 10 divide by 10 mode 1000 0 Hz SINE Shape Freq 1000 0 Hz SINE TONE Level Shape Freq Format AUDIO GE...

Страница 140: ...ects POCSAG format POCSAG Selects POCSAG Inverted format o Enter desired code Range is 000 Octal to 777 Octal Set Level attenuation as follows X1 Selects X1 times 1 level attenuation 10 Selects 10 divide by 10 level attenuation OTe n Level selections range from 0 to 2 5 Vp in X1 times 1 mode and 0 to 25 0 mVp in 10 divide by 10 mode 114 DCS Code Format 114 DCS Code Format 114 1 00 Vp DCS Level Cod...

Страница 141: ...tones Range is 25 to 99 msec Set Level attenuation as follows X1 Selects X1 times 1 level attenuation 10 Selects 10 divide by 10 level attenuation OTe n Level selections range from 0 to 2 5 Vp in X1 times 1 mode and 0 to 25 0 mVp in 10 divide by 10 mode Select Mode as follows CONT Activates DTMF Code in a repeating loop BURST Activates DTMF Code for one tone sequence KEY Sets DATA ENTRY Keys activ...

Страница 142: ...tortion Meter Operation see page 4 16 The intention is to provide sufficient information to allow the operator to effectively use the COM 120C to perform specific operator defined tests 4 7 1 DIGITAL VOLTMETER OPERATION Select Source as follows MENU Accesses a menu of available selections DC ZERO Performs DC Zero when source is SCP DVM DC Select Range as follows MENU Accesses a menu of available s...

Страница 143: ...alue Range is 0 to 200 V Select Lower Limit Function as follows OFF ON Toggles Lower Limit Function ON or OFF Enter Limit Value Range is 0 to 200 V Select Alarm Function as follows OFF ON Toggles Alarm Function ON or OFF When activated alarm alerts over range condition RETURN Returns to RF Receive Operation Screen Peak Hold Average ON ON 2 Upper Limit Lower Limit ON ON 0 900 V 0 100 V Upper Limit ...

Страница 144: ...esired load Place required load on connector specified by Source dB Converts reading units to dB Set Scope Sweep as follows MENU Accesses a menu of available selections ROLL To view the scope trace in a roll mode when selected sweep rate is 100 ms div or higher SLOW Exits roll and returns to normal mode of operation 1 000 Vrms 29 4 Vrms Peak High Peak Low 0 961 V 0 226 V Alar 500 us div ...


Страница 146: ...actices 5 1 1 Generating FM Modulated RF Signal 5 1 2 Generating AM Modulated RF Signal 5 1 3 Generating PM Modulated RF Signal 5 1 4 Generating DCS Coded RF Signal 5 1 5 Generating DTMF Coded RF Signal 5 1 6 Generating RF Signal using External Modulation 5 1 7 Generating Microphone Modulated RF Signal 5 1 8 Encoding 2 Tone Sequential Format ...

Страница 147: ... is 50 dBm P R E P The speaker is configured to play the internal modulated signal ο Set RF Field to Rcvr Center Frequency ο Set Output Level to 50 dBm ο Set Output to T R ο Select Audio Generator 1 GEN1 for Modulation Source ο Set Modulation Type to FM ο Set Deviation Level to 5 00 kHz ο Set Format to TONE ο Set Tone Freq to 1000 0 Hz ο Set Shape to SINE ο Access Filters Setup Menu ο Set Speaker ...

Страница 148: ...R PHONES PRESS EXEC TO ACTIVATE SELECTION BAND HIGH LOW WIDE BAND PASS PASS PASS FILTER FILTER FILTER ON OFF OFF OFF INT MOD UUT ANTENNA IN FM GEN1 Mod Src 1000 0 Hz Sine TONE Shape Freq Format Deviation 5 00 kHz GEN1 Output Level FL RF 50 0 dBm T R OFF 100 0000 MHz Generating FM Modulated RF Signal ...

Страница 149: ... is 50 dBm P R E P The speaker is configured to play the internal modulated signal ο Set RF Field to Rcvr Center Frequency ο Set Output Level to 50 dBm ο Set Output to T R ο Select Audio Generator 1 GEN1 for Modulation Source ο Set Modulation Type to AM ο Set Modulation Level to 50 0 ο Set Format to TONE ο Set Tone Freq to 1000 0 Hz ο Set Shape to SINE ο Access Filters Setup Menu ο Set Speaker Hea...


Страница 151: ...set at 5 Radians P R E P The Output Level is 50 dBm ο Set RF Field to Rcvr Center Frequency ο Set Output Level to 50 dBm ο Set Output to T R ο Select Audio Generator 1 GEN1 for Modulation Source ο Set Modulation Type to PM ο Set Deviation Level to 5 00 Rad ο Set Format to TONE ο Set Tone Freq to 1000 0 Hz ο Set Shape to SINE ο Access Filters Setup Menu ο Set Speaker Headphones Field to INT MOD ο R...


Страница 153: ...onnector The deviation is set at 0 50 kHz The Output Level is 50 dBm P R E P ο Set RF Field to Radio Center Frequency ο Set Output Level to 50 dBm ο Set Output to T R ο Select DATA Generator DATA for Modulation Source ο Set Modulation Type to FM ο Set Deviation Level to 0 50 kHz ο Set Format to DCS ο Set Code to 114 ο Verify radio unsquelches ο Turn DATA generator off ο Verify radio squelches ...

Страница 154: ...SECTION 5 COMMON PRACTICES 00607222 FM DATA Mod Src 114 DCS Code Format Deviation 0 50 kHz DATA Output Level FL RF 50 0 dBm T R OFF Radio Center Frequency UUT TRANSMITTER OUT Generating DCS Coded RF Signal ...

Страница 155: ... The Output Level is 50 dBm The signal is set to run in a continuous loop P R E P o Set RF Field to Rcvr Center Frequency o Set Output Level to 50 dBm o Set Output to T R o Select DTMF Generator 1 DTMF for Modulation Source o Set Modulation Type to FM o Set Deviation Level to 3 50 kHz o Enter desired DTMF Code o Set Mark Time to 70 msec o Set Space Time to 70 msec o Set Pause Time to 70 msec o Cur...

Страница 156: ... PRACTICES 00607223 Rcvr Center Frequency FM DTMF Mod Src 70 msec 123456789 0 Mark Code Deviation 3 50 kHz DTMF Output Level FL RF 50 0 dBm T R OFF Space 70 msec Pause 70 msec UUT ANTENNA IN Generating DTMF Coded RF Signal ...

Страница 157: ... Rcvr Center Frequency o Set Output Level to 50 dBm o Set Output to T R o Select External Modulation EXT for Modulation Source o Set Modulation Type to FM o Set Deviation Range to NAR 3 o Configure RF Generate Operation Screen for active SCOPE o Set Oscilloscope Sweep for 1 ms div o Set Oscilloscope Source for Scope DVM AC o Connect External Modulation Source to SCOPE DVM IN Connector o Set Extern...

Страница 158: ...607224 GENERATE 1 ms div SCOPE 1 V SOURCE Scope DVM AC Mod Src EXT FM 5 00 kHz Dev Range Deviation NAR 3 Output EXT Level FL RF 50 0 dBm T R OFF Rcvr Center Frequency UUT MODULATION SOURCE Generating RF Signal Using External Modulation ...

Страница 159: ...transmit a Microphone Modulated RF Signal at the T R Connector The Microphone is connected to the MIC ACC Connector The Output Level is 50 dBm P R E P o Set RF Field to Rcvr Center Frequency o Set Output Level to 50 dBm o Set Output to T R o Select Microphone MIC for Modulation Source o Set Modulation Type to FM o Set Deviation Range to NAR 3 ...

Страница 160: ...5 15 SECTION 5 COMMON PRACTICES 00607225 FM MIC Mod Src Dev Range NAR 3 MIC Output Level FL RF 50 0 dBm T R OFF Rcvr Center Frequency UUT ANTENNA IN Generating Microphone Modulated RF Signal ...

Страница 161: ...Center Frequency o Set Output Level to 30 dBm o Set Output to T R o Select GEN1 for Modulation Source o Set Modulation Type to FM o Set Deviation to 5 0 kHz o Set Format to USER o Cursor to Format Field and press F4 CONFIG o Edit the USER SIGNALING PROGRAM pop up window to read USER SIGNALING PROGRAM CHAR FREQ Hz DUR ms 0 0 0 250 1 650 0 500 2 850 0 1500 o Press F6 RETURN o Cursor to Code Field an...

Страница 162: ...5 17 SECTION 5 COMMON PRACTICES 00607247 FM GEN1 Mod Src Deviation 5 0 kHz GEN1 Output Level FL RF 30 0 dBm T R OFF Pager Center Frequency USER Format Code 102 Encoding 2 Tone Sequential Format ...


Страница 164: ... section offers suggestions for equipment and screen setups for some common RF Receive practices 5 2 1 Receiving FM Modulated RF Signal 5 2 2 Receiving AM Modulated RF Signal 5 2 3 Receiving PM Modulated RF Signal 5 2 4 Decoding 2 Tone Sequential Format ...

Страница 165: ...figured to play the demodulated signal P R E P o Set RF Field to Radio Center Frequency o Set Input to ANT o Set Attenuation to 0 dB o Set Demodulation Type to FM o Set IF Bandwidth to 300 kHz o Cursor to Line Field and press F6 CONFIG o Set Mod Meter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 20 kHz o Set AF Counter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 4 kHz o Set Speaker Headphones Filter Line to W B Wideband o E...


Страница 167: ...onfigured to play the demodulated signal P R E P o Set RF Field to Radio Center Frequency o Set Input to ANT o Set Attenuation to 0 dB o Set Demodulation Type to AM o Set IF Bandwidth to 300 kHz o Cursor to Line Field and press F6 CONFIG o Set Mod Meter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 20 kHz o Set AF Counter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 4 kHz o Set Speaker Headphones Filter Line to W B Wideband o...


Страница 169: ...figured to play the demodulated signal P R E P o Set RF Field to Radio Center Frequency o Set Input to ANT o Set Attenuation to 0 dB o Set Demodulation Type to PM o Set IF Bandwidth to 300 kHz o Cursor to Line Field and press F6 CONFIG o Set Mod Meter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 20 kHz o Set AF Counter Filter Line Low Pass Filter to 4 kHz o Set Speaker Headphones Filter Line to W B Wideband o E...


Страница 171: ...o 30 dB o Set Demodulation Type to FM o Cursor to Line Field and press F6 CONFIG o Set AF CNTR DECODE High Pass Filter to OFF o Set AF CNTR DECODE Low Pass Filter to 4 kHz o Press F5 EXEC o Press F6 RETURN o Cursor to Deviation Meter and press F1 ZOOM o Set Scp Demod Cplg to AC o Set Range to AUTO o Press F6 RETURN o Set Tone Data Code to USER o Press F2 DECODE o Observe the frequency and duration...

Страница 172: ...F W B AF CNTR DECODE OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 4 kHz OFF OFF ON OFF DATA DECODER OFF LPF OFF HPF BPF OFF T R Atten 30 dB FM IF BW 300 kHz OFF Pager Center Frequency AF GEN OUT LINE Demod Input FL RF MOD MTR OFF DEMOD OUT AF CNT Tone Data Code USER FM DEVIATION METER Pager Center Frequency Cplg ON ON ON OFF RF Scp Demod Peak Hold Average Upper Limit Alarm Lower Limit ON Range AUTO 1 00 8 00 2 AC NORMAL M...

Страница 173: ...h Control Knob fully Counter Clockwise o Set Duplex Generate o RF 455 0000 MHz Offset 0 0000 MHz Output AUX Level 40 0 dBm GEN2 FM GEN1 DATA and DTMF OFF Deviation 3 30 kHz Format TONE Freq 1000 0 Hz o Connect AUX output connector to ANTENNA input connector o Connect DEMOD OUT connector to SINAD IN connector o Cursor to RECEIVE field and press F1 ZOOM o Cursor to LINE field and press F6 CONFIG o S...

Страница 174: ...quency 1000 Hz 1 Hz RF Error 0 0 MHz 30 Hz Deviation 3 30 kHz 5 kHz Distortion 3 o Press DPLX Mode Key o Cursor to GENERATE field and press F1 ZOOM o Cursor to LINE field and press F6 CONFIG o Set filters DTMF SINAD BPF C MSG SPEAKER PHONES WB o Press F5 EXEC o Press F6 RETURN o Cursor to Level field and press F5 SINAD o Set SINAD field to 12 0 dB o Press F6 RETURN o Press F6 S On Off o Verify RF ...


Страница 176: ...STANDARD OPTION The Variable Frequency Audio Generator has a frequency range of 5 to 20000 Hz with sine wave shape and 5 to 10000 Hz with ramp triangle and square wave shapes Audio Generator 2 is available for use on the RF Generate Duplex and Duplex Generate Operation Screens as a modulation source and as baseband output from the Audio Data Signaling Generators Operation Screen 6 5 GENERATE AMPLI...

Страница 177: ...a Rate Size Data Pattern Data Polarity Peak Hold Upper Limit Alarm BIT ERROR RATE METER OFF OFF ON NORMAL FIXED 100000 Bits 1200 BPS LOOP Send Data RF GENERATOR RF Level Output Type OFF T R 30 0 10 0000 105 0000 ANT FM Coupling Demod Input RF Receive Data RF RECEIVER Deviation Range Att IF BW 15 kHz AC 100 kHz 30 dB Aud Data Filters BPF OFF 0 EXP 3 Bit Error Rate LPF OFF HPF OFF Loop Count 0 10 Pe...

Страница 178: ...A IN When the field is set for RF RECEIVER the Demod field determines the display i e FM Deviation Meter in kHz AM Modulation Meter in or PM Phase Meter in Rad 5 Bit Error Rate Displays Bit Error Rate Exponent changes depending on Data Pattern Size 11 6 Receive Data Configuration Section Contains configuration data for Receive 7 Send Data Configuration Section Contains configuration data for Gener...

Страница 179: ...150 BPS 300 BPS 600 BPS 1200 BPS 2400 BPS 4800 BPS 9600 BPS 11 Data Pattern Size Displays selected Data Pattern Size Selections range from 128 to 100000 bits 12 Data Pattern Type Displays selected Data Pattern Type Selections are RANDOM and FIXED FIXED is an 8 bit hexadecimal pattern that is repeated RANDOM is based on a pseudo random seed 13 Data Polarity Displays selected Data Polarity Type Disp...

Страница 180: ... Displays selected Upper Limit Status is OFF or ON When ON Upper Limit Value is displayed Range of Upper Limit Value is 0 x 10 6 to 999 x 10 3 16 Alarm Displays Alarm status Status is OFF or ON Alarm sounds when Upper Limit 15 is exceeded ...

Страница 181: ...ons range from 0 0000 to 1000 0000 MHz 19 Attenuation Displays Input Attenuation Selections are 0 or 30 dB 20 IF Bandwidth Displays IF Filter Bandwidth Selections are 300 and 15 kHz 21 Coupling Displays Coupling Type for RF Receiver Displayed only with FM selected for Demod Type 26 Selections are AC or DC 22 Deviation Range Displays FM Deviation Range Displayed only with FM selected for Demod Type...

Страница 182: ...tems are displayed only when AUDIO DATA IN is selected as Receive Data Input 17 28 Bandpass Filter Displays current Bandpass Filter setting for signal passed through AUDIO DATA IN Connector Selections include OFF and C MSG C Message Weighted Filter High Pass Filter Low Pass Filter combination and Bandpass Filter cannot be active simultaneously 29 High Pass Filter Displays current High Pass Filter ...

Страница 183: ...ator output Level Selections range from 130 to 30 dBm with T R Connector selected as Output 34 Selections range from 130 to 13 dBm with AUX RF OUT Connector selected as Output 34 34 Output Displays Output Connector Selections include AUX AUX RF OUT Connector and T R T R Connector 35 Modulation Type Displays Modulation Type Selections include OFF AM FM and PM 36 Modulation Deviation Level Displays ...

Страница 184: ...g or Modulation Meter whichever was last selected is blanked from the screen o RF Error Meter is not provided for Single Sideband RF Error Meter is blanked from the screen Additions and Redefinitions of parameters on the RF Receiver Operation Screen are as follows 1 Demodulation Type Includes two additional settings UB Upper Sideband and LB Lower Sideband 2 IF Bandwidth Includes additional 3 kHz s...

Страница 185: ...or 1 While these selections appear whether or not Option 9 is installed they are not active Accessing these selections is discussed in Section 3 3 Screens Softkeys and Menus 6 9 AUDIO DIGITAL SIGNALING FORMATS OPTION 11 Provides encode decode capabilities for both analog and digital signaling formats Analog formats supported by Option 11 include CCIR CCIRH CCIRH4 EEA EIA NATEL ZVEI DZVEI DDZVEI EU...

Страница 186: ... 70 14 00 70 7 4 11 64 Tone 5 5 14 46 14 46 14 46 14 46 13 05 941 15 30 14 00 15 30 65 2 0 13 05 Tone 6 6 15 40 15 40 15 40 15 40 14 46 10 40 16 70 15 30 16 70 60 1 0 14 46 Tone 7 7 16 40 16 40 16 40 16 40 15 87 12 09 18 30 16 70 18 30 55 4 0 15 87 Tone 8 8 17 47 17 47 17 47 17 47 17 28 13 36 20 00 18 30 20 00 51 0 7 17 28 Tone 9 9 18 60 18 60 18 60 18 60 18 69 14 77 22 00 20 00 22 00 47 0 8 18 69...

Страница 187: ...us for information on selecting these formats Decoding of the analog formats is available in RF Receive and Duplex Receive Operation Screens Select the desired signaling format for decoding at the Tone Data Code Field Refer to Section 3 3 Screens Softkeys and Menus for information on selecting these formats For information on Digital Signaling Formats refer to the following 6 9 1 Modulating RF Sig...

Страница 188: ...e Selections include OFF AM FM and PM 3 Deviation Modulation Level Displays selected Deviation in kHz if current Modulation Type 2 is FM with range from 0 0 to 100 kHz Displays selected Percent Modulation if current Modulation Type 2 is AM with range from 0 to 100 Displays selected Deviation in radians if current Modulation Type 2 is PM with range from 0 to 10 Radians Field is not displayed if Mod...

Страница 189: ...o beep four times ALPHA_NUM Transmits 0123456789 ALPHA_NUM UC Transmits ABCDEFGHIJKLIMOPQU RSTUVWXYZ ALPHA_NUM LC Transmits abcdefghijklmnopqurstuv wxyz ALPHA_NUM SPEC Transmits NUMERIC Transmits 0123456789 NUMERIC SEQ Transmits following messages in sequence 00000 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555 66666 and 77777 NUMERIC CUSTOM Transmits numbers ALPHA NUM CUSTOM Transmits data 5 Code Displays selecte...

Страница 190: ...n or from the Duplex Receive Operation Screen Functions and parameters for the DATA Generator with Option 11 installed are as follows 1 DATA Generator Prompt Activates selected Generator Source Selections include GEN1 Audio Generator 1 GEN2 Audio Generator 2 DTMF DTMF Tone Generator and DATA DATA Generator 2 Format Displays Format type for DATA Generator Selections include DCS DCS DCS Inverted POC...

Страница 191: ...3456789 MESSAGE ALPHANUMERIC TYPE 5130 CAPCODE CAPCODE 5130 TYPE TONE 4 BEEPS MESSAGE 4 FUNC BITS AUTO 1 2 3 1 Decode Screen Label Identifies whether Decode Screen format is POCSAG or POCSAG INV Inverted POCSAG 2 Function Allows user to set Message Type to ALPHANO ALPHANUMERIC NUMERIC or AUTO ALPHANO and NUMERIC settings force Decode Function to decode message as specified type AUTO setting allows...

Страница 192: ...onnection connect Receiver Input Connector to selected Output Connector Otherwise connect antennas to selected Output Connector and Receiver Input Connector o Set Output Level to desired level o Select DATA Generator for Modulation Source o Set Modulation Type to FM o Set Deviation Level for 4 0 kHz or as required o Set DATA Generator Format for POCSAG or POCSAG o Press F4 Config o Set Data Rate t...

Страница 193: ...o ANTENNA Connector and Transmitter Output Connector o Set Demodulation Type to FM o Set IF Bandwidth to 15 kHz o Select DATA DEC as Audio Filter Set Filter for 20 kHz Low Pass o Select POCSAG or POCSAG for Tone Data Type o With cursor on Tone Data Code Field press F2 DECODE to access Decode Screen o Set Decode Function to ALPHANO for Alphanumeric decode only NUMERIC for Numeric decode only or AUT...

Страница 194: ...10 dB Ref 0 dB Atten RF Input ANT 40 0 Track Gen 50 ms div ON OFF DEFAULT LOCK CONFIG 1 2 3 4 1 CONFIG Soft Function Key F4 Opens the Tracking Generator Configuration window The two Tracking Generator fields are Center Frequency and Offset Changing one field changes the other field appropriately There are separate Tracking Generator Configuration windows for Left Hand and Right Hand Analyzer when ...

Страница 195: ...Commands 6 11 2 CONFIGURING FOR REMOTE OPERATIONS USING GPIB To access GPIB Setup Screen Press SETUP MEMORY Key 21 and access 4 GPIB SETTINGS Configure for GPIB Operation as follows o Select Operations Mode 1 Available selections include TALK LISTEN TALK ONLY and LISTEN ONLY o Select GPIB Address 2 Selections range from 1 to 30 o Set RCI Control to ON GPIB SETUP 8717030 OPERATIONS MODE ADDRESS 1 T...

Страница 196: ... 12 1 GENERAL The CLEARCHANNEL LTR Option allows the testing of Trunked Repeaters and Radios The COM 120C tests encode decode Repeater access and Handoff functions of Trunked Radio mobile units The COM 120C tests Handshake and Handoff functions of Repeaters ...

Страница 197: ...Repeater Simulation 2 Radio Simulation 3 Auxiliary Setup REPEAT RADIO SETUP RETURN 1 Repeater Simulation Configures COM 120C to simulate Repeater to test Mobile Radios Refer to paragraph 6 12 3 for description and paragraph 6 12 6 for operation 2 Radio Simulation Configures COM 120C to simulate a Mobile Radio to test Repeaters Refer to paragraph 6 12 4 for description and paragraph 6 12 7 for oper...

Страница 198: ... Use Group Group Goto Area Home Free 151 5 0 5 5 Status CONT T R 0 dB 812 4375 MHz MHz 857 4375 120 0 dBm T R Output Level RF GEN 1 DATA Sinad Mod Source Deviation Frequency 1000 0 Hz 3 3 kHz GEN1 FM RF Power RF Error Freq Deviation AF Frequency Distortion 0 0 mW 2 752 kHz 7 57 kHz V 1894 Hz 9 8 7 6 5 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RECEIVE GENERATE Extended Meas 1 2 3 1 Channel Number Di...

Страница 199: ...o 13 dBm 6 Output Displays Output Connector Selections are T R T R Connector and AUX AUX RF OUT Connector 7 Transmit Trunking Data Block Displays current data being passed to mobile radio Refer to 6 12 3 for additional information 8 Modulation Source Window Displays active Modulation Sources 10 Inactive Modulation Sources 10 are not shown If two or more sections of the RF Modulator are set in conf...

Страница 200: ... Selections include Distortion SINAD and AF LEVEL Meters If one of these meters is active Deviation Meter 16 AF Frequency Meter 15 Distortion DTMF Meter 14 and LTR decoding are deactivated 14 Distortion DTMF Meters Displays Distortion or DTMF If Distortion is displayed as meter distortion of demodulated signal is measured If DTMF is displayed as meter displays decoded DTMF Code from demodulated si...

Страница 201: ...e Channel Number 1 and 22 Receive RF Field Displays RF Receive Frequency of COM 120C Value is dependent on Channel Number 1 and Band Selection 2 Field is for display only Formula for figuring value is as follows where Channel is Channel Number 1 OTe n Radios operating in 800 MHz Band within range of Canada or Mexico must use a 12 5 kHz offset 800 MHz Band Selection 2 Frequency MHz 851 0125 025 x C...

Страница 202: ...EE Free Home Repeater BUSY Busy Home Repeater CONT Continuous transmit by Home Repeater and DISCN Disconnect Repeater Mobile link If CONT is desired Goto 23 must match Home 27 26 Free Displays Repeater Number used for Mobile transmission with Status 25 set to BUSY Free Repeater Channel on LTR Trunking Auxiliary Setup Screen paragraph 6 12 4 must also be set for proper operation Range is 1 to 31 27...

Страница 203: ...ly linked to COM 120C in Dispatch Mode If CONNECT RIC is displayed Radio is currently linked to COM 120C in Radio Interconnect Mode If RELEASE is displayed indicates COM 120C has received disconnect code from Mobile Radio If DISCONNECT is displayed indicates Mobile Radio and Repeater are no longer connected due to manual disconnect or COM 120C disconnect due to elapsed time 32 Free Displays Free F...

Страница 204: ...ded Meas 1 2 3 1 Channel Number Displays Trunking Channel Number Selections range from 1 to 760 Selection of Channel Number and Band Selection 2 is used to set Generate RF Field 4 and Receive RF Field 22 2 Band Selection Displays Trunking Band Selection Displays 800 or 900 MHz 3 Extended Meas Allows for Extended Measurements 4 Generate RF Field Displays RF Generate Frequency of COM 120C Value is d...

Страница 205: ...selected Modulation Source Selections include GEN1 Audio Generator 1 GEN2 Audio Generator 2 DTMF DTMF Tone Generator and DATA DATA Generator 10 Modulation Type Displays selected Modulation Type Selections include OFF AM FM and PM 11 Deviation Modulation Level Displays selected Deviation in kHz if current Modulation Type 9 is FM with range from 0 00 to 100 kHz Displays selected Percent Modulation i...

Страница 206: ...selected by operator If Voice is Deviation Measurement is selected V appears beside meter reading If Data is selected D appears beside meter reading 17 RF Error Meter Displays frequency error of Repeater referenced to Receive RF Field 21 Field is for display only 18 RF Power Meter RF Level Meter Displays RF Power in Watts applied to T R Connector If ANT is selected for Input 20 RF Level Meter appe...

Страница 207: ...automatically changes to USER if this field is edited Formula for figuring value is as follows where Ch is Channel Number 1 800 MHz Band Selection 2 Frequency MHz 851 0125 025 x Channel 1 900 MHz Band Selection 2 Frequency MHz 935 0125 0125 x Channel 1 OTe n Radios operating in 800 MHz Band within range of Canada or Mexico must use a 12 5 kHz offset ...

Страница 208: ...ange is 1 to 31 24 Group Displays ID Code for Mobile Radio serviced by Repeater Range is 1 to 255 25 PTT Displays Push To Talk Status passed to Repeater Displays ON or OFF Push To Talk Status is toggled by pressing START STOP CONTROL Key or use the MIC Accessory PTT 26 Free Not used by Mobile Radios Field is editable but should contain 31 for normal operation Range is 1 to 31 27 Home Displays Home...

Страница 209: ...cates end of transmission for Repeater 30 Group Displays ID Code specified by Group 24 31 Repeater Status Displays Repeater Mobile Radio Connection Status CONNECT is displayed if Repeater is receiving COM 120C signal Blank if no signal 32 Free Displays Free Repeater data sent to COM 120C 33 Home Displays Home Repeater data sent by Repeater to COM 120C Range is 1 to 31 34 Area Displays Proximity Sw...

Страница 210: ...t Displays status of Border Offset to RF due to proximity to Canadian or Mexican Border Displays ENABLED or DISABLED 4 System Sync Displays hexadecimal code used for System Sync Code in Data Word Default value is 158 Hexadecimal Range of value is 0 to 1FF Hexadecimal 5 Decode Data Displays the polarity of Decoded Data This feature enables the LTR option to work in any frequency band up to 1 GHz re...

Страница 211: ... the signal Example a repeater that is seriously off frequency may exhibit this problem 9 Unkey Delay Sets the time the RF carrier is turned off after the COM 120C stops sending data Factory default is 150 mSec The noise burst after the COM 120C unkeys and before the repeater squelch closes may confuse the repeater Increase the time to help the repeater 10 Max Retries Sets the number of times the ...

Страница 212: ...r Channel for FREE REP CHAN 2 o If testing devices set for Border Offset set BORDER OFFSET 3 to ENABLED If Border Offset is not required set BORDER OFFSET 3 to DISABLED o Set SYSTEM SYNC 4 to 158 unless nonstandard system is tested o Set DECODE DATA 5 to NORMAL or INVERT Invert enables the LTR option to work in any frequency band up to 1 GHz regardless of polarity o Set ENCODE DATA 6 to NORMAL or ...

Страница 213: ... 7 6 5 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RECEIVE GENERATE Extended Meas 1 2 3 o Configure Auxiliary Setup Screen o From LTR Trunking Menu select 1 Repeater Simulation o Enter Channel Number 1 of Mobile Radio Range is 1 to 760 o Choose Band Selection 2 Selections are 800 MHz 900 MHz or USER o Select Output 6 for COM 120C Generator Selections are T R T R Connector or AUX AUX RF OUT Connector ...

Страница 214: ...nput Connector Selections include T R T R Connector and ANT ANTENNA Connector If Mobile Radio output is 0 dBm select T R If ANT Input 20 is selected and Mobile Radio Output is 30 dBm set Attenuation 21 for 30 dB o Set Attenuation 21 Selections include 0 dB and 30 dB If ANT Input 20 is selected and Mobile Radio Output is 30 dBm set Attenuation 21 for 30 dB ...

Страница 215: ...Home Repeater Number o Set Area 28 for Mobile Radio Area switch setting o Connect Mobile Radio RF Output to connector specified by Input 20 o Connect Mobile Radio RF Input to connector specified by Output 6 o Key Mobile Radio Verify CONNECT DSP or CONNECT RIC is displayed for Radio Status 31 o Verify Group 30 matches Group 24 o Verify Home 33 and In Use 29 match Home 27 o Verify Area 34 matches Ar...

Страница 216: ...7 to Mobile Radio Home Repeater Number o Set Area 28 for Mobile Radio Area switch setting o Connect Mobile Radio RF Output to connector specified by Input 20 o Connect Mobile Radio RF Input to connector specified by Output 6 o Key Mobile Radio Verify CONNECT DSP or CONNECT RIC is displayed for Radio Status 30 o Verify Group 30 matches Group 24 o Verify Home 33 matches Home 27 o Verify In Use 29 ma...

Страница 217: ...l for 3 30 kHz Frequency Code Field for 1000 0 Hz o Set Goto 23 to Home Repeater Number for Mobile Radio o Set Group 24 for ID Code of Mobile Radio o Set Status 25 to CONT o Set Home 27 to Mobile Radio Home Repeater Number o Set Area 28 for Mobile Radio Area switch setting o Connect Mobile Radio RF Output to connector specified by Input 20 o Connect Mobile Radio RF Input to connector specified by ...

Страница 218: ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RECEIVE GENERATE Extended Meas 1 2 3 o Configure Auxiliary Setup Screen o From LTR Trunking Menu select 1 Radio Simulation o Enter Channel Number 1 Range is 1 to 760 o Choose Band Selection 2 Selections are 800 MHz 900 MHz or USER o Select Output 6 for COM 120C Generator Selections are T R T R Connector or AUX AUX RF OUT Connector o Set Level 5 to desired Outpu...

Страница 219: ...lude T R T R Connector and ANT ANTENNA Connector If Repeater output is 0 dBm select T R If ANT Input 20 is selected and Repeater Output is 30 dBm set Attenuation 21 for 30 dB o Set Attenuation 21 Selections include 0 dB and 30 dB If ANT Input 20 is selected and Repeater Output is 30 dBm set Attenuation 21 for 30 dB ...

Страница 220: ... Set Deviation Meter 16 to measure Voice or Data FM Deviation as needed o Set Group 24 for ID Code of Mobile Radio being simulated o Set In Use 23 and Home 27 to Repeater Number o Set Area 28 for simulated Mobile Radio Area switch setting o Connect Repeater RF Output to connector specified by Input 20 o Connect Mobile Radio RF Input to connector specified by Output 6 o Press START STOP CONTROL Key...

Страница 221: ...PCL Mode Key Select 2 Cellular from the Options Menu o Rotate SQUELCH Control ccw until squelch is set to minimum o Rotate VOLUME Control fully ccw and then cw until static becomes audible o Rotate SQUELCH Control cw slowly until static is no longer audible OTe n If data parity error message is displayed during test operation squelch setting may be too low o Squelch levels higher than necessary ca...

Страница 222: ...elected from this Menu 8717090 AMPS Cellular Choose test 1 Automatic Test 2 Manual Test 3 Setup The parameters used for the Automatic and Manual Tests are selected through the AMPS Setup Screen The AMPS Setup Menu is divided into 2 screens Pages 1 and 2 Access 3 Setup from the AMPS Cellular Menu to display Page 1 of the AMPS Setup Screen Following is a listing of the AMPS Setup parameters uses and...

Страница 223: ...nge is 1 to 1023 Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 3 Home Roam Select Selects simulated Home or Roaming Registration Selections are Home or Roam 4 Mobile I D Selects the Mobile Identification Number MIN used to identify Mobile Phone Maximum length is 10 characters using A to D 0 to 9 and character Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit Performing ...

Страница 224: ... Pass Filter 10 Power Level Ref Mobile Phone Power Level used when Mobile Phone power readings are taken Range is 0 to 7 Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 11 SINAD Test Ref Selects Pass Fail SINAD Test Reference Range is 3 to 40 dB Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 12 Customer Information Displays Customer Information Menu Edit Customer Infor...

Страница 225: ... channel of Handoff Test sequence Handoff Test starts with Handoff Start channel increases by Handoff Increment 5 performing Handoff Test at each channel and ends with Handoff End 4 channel Range is 1 to 1023 Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 4 Handoff End Last channel of Handoff Test sequence Handoff Test starts with Handoff Start 3 channel increments by the Handoff In...

Страница 226: ... Tolerance Selects tolerance for Signal Tone ST Frequency Test Range is 0 to 999 Hz Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 10 SAT Dev Tolerance Selects tolerance for SAT Deviation measurements Range is 0 to 99 Select using DATA ENTRY Keys Press ENTER Key to complete edit 11 ST Dev Tolerance Selects the tolerance used to determine if the Signal Tone ST Deviation Test passes o...

Страница 227: ...s assume the mobile test was performed with all tests ENABLED AMPS Automatic Test Screen pretest softkeys are 1 Disabled Sets test at current cursor location to DISABLED 2 Enabled Sets test at current cursor location to ENABLED 3 Start Starts tests that are ENABLED 4 Return Abort RETURN returns operation to AMPS Cellular Menu ABORT stops current test and reports test as FAILED AMPS Automatic Test ...

Страница 228: ...ontinuous of Mobile Phone under test 4 Bandwidth Displays bandwidth of Mobile Phone under test 20 MHz allows channels 1 to 666 25 MHz allows channels 1 to 1023 5 DCC Displays Digital Color Code last received by Mobile Phone under test 6 ESN Displays Electronic Serial Number of Mobile Phone under test in Hexadecimal Decimal and Octal 7 MIN Displays Mobile Identification Number of Mobile Phone under...

Страница 229: ... Phone is set to Power Level Reference in AMPS Setup Menu 14 SAT Dev Displays deviation of SAT transmitted by Mobile Phone under test 15 Freq Err Displays error of Reverse Voice Channel Frequency received from Mobile Phone 16 SAT Freq Displays SAT frequency transmitted by Mobile Phone under test 17 Called Adr Displays phone number transmitted by Mobile Phone under test The Power Level Test sends t...

Страница 230: ...ion Mobile Init Cell Init Handoff Test Audio Test FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED Level Reading Level Reading 0 1 2 3 22 0 dBm 26 1 dBm 34 0 dBm 29 7 dBm 3 2 0 1 6 0 dBm 9 2 dBm 13 8 dBm 17 5 dBm 18 19 20 SAT Dev Displays SAT Deviation received from Mobile Phone 21 ST Freq Displays Signal Tone Hang Up Frequency received from Mobile Phone 22 Hangup Dev Displays Signal Tone Hang Up Devi...

Страница 231: ...Page order 27 Voice Chan Displays Voice Channel designated to Mobile Phone by Test Set 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 8717121 RETURN AMPS Cellular Automatic Test Registration Mobile Init Cell Init Handoff Test Audio Test FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED FINISHED Voice Chan Ring Dev RF Freq Err SAT Freq 5970 Hz 9 56 KHz 0 05 KHz 300 9 57 KHz Hangup Dev TX Pwr 22 0 dBm 2 24 KHz SAT Dev ST Freq 10 000 KH...

Страница 232: ...hannel which the handoff was made 29 Pwr Displays Mobile Phone Output Power Mobile Phone is set to Power Level selected as Power Level Reference in AMPS Setup Menu 30 SAT Displays SAT Frequency received from Mobile Phone 31 SAT Dev Displays SAT Deviation received from Mobile Phone 32 Err Displays RF Frequency Error of Reverse Voice Channel 28 29 30 31 32 8717119 RETURN AMPS Cellular Automatic Test...

Страница 233: ...st Set The Audio Test works when the Mobile Init Test or the Cell Init Test is also performed 33 RF Level Displays RF Input Level in dBm and volts which produces SINAD reading equal to SINAD Test Reference 34 Audio Pwr Displays Mobile Phone Audio Power 35 Audio Dist Displays Mobile Phone Audio Distortion 36 REF LOAD Displays Load Reference for Audio Test 8717120 RETURN AMPS Cellular Automatic Test...

Страница 234: ... o Press Flash Hook prompt appears Send Flash Hook signal using Mobile Phone Pressing F1 Cont continues Mobile Init Test without testing Flash Hook message o Measuring Frequency message appears indicating Maintenance Order is sent to the Mobile Phone for measuring Signal Tone frequency o Press Flash Hook prompt appears Send Flash Hook signal using Mobile Phone Hangup Phone prompt appears Hang up M...

Страница 235: ...rs Answer call placed to Mobile Phone o Measuring Frequency message appears indicating Maintenance Order is sent to the Mobile Phone for measuring Signal Tone frequency o If Maintenance Order does not fail Press Flash Hook prompt appears Press Flash Hook on Mobile Phone Hangup Phone prompt appears Hanging up Mobile Phone completes Cell Init Test A Power Level Test is also performed with the Cell I...


Страница 237: ...lecting 2 Manual Test from the AMPS Cellular Menu 1 Reg Initiates Manual Registration Test 2 Mobile Initiates Manual Mobile Initiated Call Test 3 Cell Initiates Manual Cell Site Initiated Call Test 4 Return Returns Operation to AMPS Cellular Menu 8717091 AMPS Cellular Registration Mobile Init Cell Init Manual Test ...

Страница 238: ...ous or Discontinuous of Mobile Phone under test 4 Bandwidth Displays bandwidth of Mobile Phone under test 20 MHz allows channels 1 to 666 25 MHz allows channels 1 to 1023 5 DCC Displays Digital Color Code last received by Mobile Phone under test 6 ESN Displays Electronic Serial Number of Mobile Phone under test in Hexadecimal Decimal and Octal 7 MIN Displays Mobile Identification Number of Mobile ...

Страница 239: ...one 10 Dev Displays the SAT Deviation or Audio Deviation received from the Mobile Phone 11 Quit Press F6 QUIT to exit Manual Mobile Init Screen 12 Start Initiates test at cursor location 13 SINAD Accesses SINAD Meter for use with Cellular Testing 14 AF Displays SAT Frequency received from the Mobile Phone 15 DVM Accesses SINAD Meter for use with Cellular Testing 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 14 15 18 19 2...

Страница 240: ... Phone DTMF Transmission Press F5 START to initiate test Window is displayed to enter DTMF Digits Press keys on Mobile Phone and verify echo appears in Window Press F5 CLR WND to terminate test AUDIT Test exercises Audit Function of Mobile Phone Press F5 START to initiate test Once Audit Test is complete Confirmation Audit Window is displayed MAINTENANCE Test is provided to observe AF 14 and Dev 1...

Страница 241: ...ered To enter a power level use DATA ENTRY Keys to enter a power level and press ENTER Key 22 Handoff Test Handoff Test hands off Mobile Phone to another Cellular Channel With cursor on Handoff Test use DATA ENTRY Keys to select new Channel Press ENTER Key Verify FREQ ERR 8 changes to match new Channel 23 Called Adr Displays the address called by the Mobile Phone ...

Страница 242: ...received from Mobile Phone 26 Dev Displays the SAT Deviation or Audio Deviation received from the Mobile Phone 27 Quit Press F6 QUIT to exit Manual Cell Init Screen 28 Start Initiates test at cursor location 29 SINAD Accesses SINAD Meter for use with Cellular Testing 30 AF Displays the SAT Frequency received from the Mobile Phone 31 DVM Accesses SINAD Meter for use with Cellular Testing 24 25 26 2...

Страница 243: ...hone DTMF Transmission Press F5 START to initiate test Window is displayed to enter DTMF Digits Press keys on Mobile Phone and verify echo appears in Window Press F5 CLR WND to terminate test AUDIT Test exercises Audit Function of Mobile Phone Press F5 START to initiate test Once Audit Test is complete Confirmation Audit Window is displayed MAINTENANCE Test is provided to observe AF 14 and Dev 10 ...

Страница 244: ...e Mobile Phone to the level entered To enter a power level use DATA ENTRY Keys to enter a power level and press ENTER Key 38 Handoff Test Handoff Test hands off Mobile Phone to another Cellular Channel With cursor on Handoff Test use DATA ENTRY Keys to select new Channel Press ENTER Key Verify FREQ ERR 8 changes to match new Channel ...

Страница 245: ...ecute EDACS Trunking Option the selection is made from the Special Test screen Press the SPCL Mode Key on the front panel for this selection screen Press F4 EDACS or cursor to selection 4 EDACS Trunking and press the ENTER Hard Key to access the EDACS Trunking screen 1 Auto Accesses the Automatic Test screen 2 Manual Accesses the Manual Test screen 3 Setup Accesses the Setup Screen 4 Return Return...

Страница 246: ... mobile radio The logical channels 1 20 are programmed under the CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS Menu selection The working channel set here is used as the working channel for the Automatic Test Radio and as the Gen Rec Frequencies for the Automatic Test Repeater 3 Site ID This field is used to select the Site ID to use in the overhead messages in the Automatic Test and the Manual Test Repeater Simulator The ...

Страница 247: ...t is started ENTER pressed the value under the No column is edited to set the Rx Tx Frequencies to an FCC standard channel 1 760 900 MHz Selects FCC 900 MHz format If 900 MHz is the current format when an edit is started ENTER pressed the value under the No column is edited to set the Rx Tx Frequencies to an FCC standard channel 1 760 2 Mobile Rx Manually enter the Mobile Receiver frequency If the...

Страница 248: ...ration If ENABLED Registration is the first test executed for the Automatic Test which simply captures a login message from the radio and displays the Radio s Group and Logical ID s along with the Control Working channel frequencies 2 Radio Test If ENABLED Radio Test executes and completes a Group Call sequence with a radio and measures the Radio s Transmitter Frequency Error Transmitter RF Power ...

Страница 249: ...NABLED to RUNNING The Control Channel programmed from the Setup screen is used for the RF Frequencies and the COM 120C begins generating Site ID messages overhead The Radio locks onto the COM 120C If the Push to Talk cable is properly connected the Radio performs a hands free PTT Group Call If not the screen prompts to manually press the PTT button Press PTT now Group Call The Radio should connect...

Страница 250: ... pressed the screen displays the message Taking Measurements The field status changes to COMPLETE when the test is finished and goes to the next ENABLED part in the Automatic Test C REPEATER TEST If ENABLED Repeater Test executes next The field status changes from ENABLED to RUNNING The Working Channel programmed from the Setup screen is used for the RF Frequencies The Repeater Test is a conventio...

Страница 251: ...st as the EDACS Working Channel LOGICAL GROUP ID Shows the Mobile Radio s Logical ID and Group ID which was acquired from the Group Call or Login message if Registration only performed during the Radio Test TX FREQ ERROR Shows the RF Frequency Error of the radio transmitter kHz TX RF POWER Shows the RF Power of the radio transmitter in mW if less than 1 Watt or Watts TX DATA DEV Shows the Deviatio...

Страница 252: ...is the deviation reading in kHz of the Radio transmitter modulation with a 3 kHz sine wave injected into the Radio s audio in path from the COM 120C Data Gen output baseband jack at a level which is 20 dB higher than 60 of the Radio s Rated Output The result in the right column is the actual level in mVp which was used to make the deviation measurement TX MODULATION LIMITING Burst This result is t...

Страница 253: ...ng of 12 dB is acquired Then the RF Level is recorded as the result of the test in dBm If the Radio squelches because of sub audible drop out before the 12 dB SINAD is reached the last good reading taken before the Radio squelched is recorded and shown along with the RF Level at that reading Results Audio Test Radio Tx Audio Response TX AUDIO RESPONSE This shows the results of the measured deviati...

Страница 254: ...This result is the deviation reading in kHz of the Repeater transmitter modulation with a 300 Hz sine wave injected into the Repeater s audio in path from the COM 120C Data Gen output baseband jack at a level which is 20 dB higher than 60 of the Repeater s Rated Output The result in the right column is the actual level in mVp which was used to make the deviation measurement TX MODULATION LIMITING ...

Страница 255: ...age is then measured using wideband no filtering from the Audio Data SINAD Input baseband jack The result is the AF Level voltage shown in Vrms and mV peak to peak RX SINAD 12 dB This result is the SINAD reading from the Repeater s audio output path with a 1 kHz sine wave FM generated at 3 kHz 1 5 kHz for narrow band deviation from the COM 120C to the Repeater RF input Repeater must have receiver ...

Страница 256: ...LIMITING BURST 4 22 kHz 110 mVp input TX AUDIO DISTORTION 2 2 TX AUDIO RESPONSE 300 Hz 0 25 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 800 Hz 0 85 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 1300 Hz 1 25 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 1800 Hz 1 35 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 2300 Hz 1 55 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 2800 Hz 1 55 kHz TX AUDIO RESPONSE 3000 Hz 1 35 kHz RX AUDIO SENSITIVITY 1003 mVp p 0 30 Vrms RX SINAD 12 dB 118 8 dBm 15 5 dB REPEATER TEST REPTR ...

Страница 257: ...r for testing EDACS Radios and a Radio Simulator for testing EDACS Repeaters 1 Rept Sim Accesses the EDACS Repeater Simulator Screen 2 Radio Sim Accesses the EDACS Radio Simulator Screen 3 Return Returns to the EDACS Trunking Test screen 00616020 Manual Test Repeater Simulator Radio Simulator RETURN Radio Sim Rept Sim EDACS Trunking ...

Страница 258: ...Channel as specified by the Channel Number pre programmed in the Setup Screen Value range 1 to 20 The corresponding RF Frequencies are shown in the RF fields as the CH field is edited This only sets the Working Channel The Control Channel is taken from the Setup Screen and must be changed there if necessary If the Band field is set to Manual there is no channel number to edit The PRGM Soft Functio...

Страница 259: ...ls for Radio and Repeater initiated calls 8 Logical ID This field shows the Radio s Logical ID acquired from a Group Call or Login operation if performed This field is also used for the Logical ID when making a call to the Radio Under Test This field is editable Value range 0 to 16383 9 RF Power This field shows the Radio s Transmitter RF Power in Watts or mW It is a display only field meter with ...

Страница 260: ... the EDACS Working Channel for the Generator side of the Repeater Simulator This field is editable which puts the Working Channel in Manual mode Value range 0 to 1000 0000 MHz Soft Function Keys available with this function include 16 Level This field is used to set the Generator s RF Output Level in dBm Value range 40 to 130 0 dBm T R 13 0 to 130 0 dBm AUX with AUX option 17 Output This field is ...

Страница 261: ... is made to the Radio The DATA modulation field is used to modulate the EDACS signaling data All enabled modulation sources display above the Mod Source field In the field to the right of Mod Source select the modulation type for the selected source 21 Deviation Generate This field is active when the selected source is FM or PM modulation type This controls the deviation of the modulated source Va...

Страница 262: ... entry of desired DTMF digits to use for DTMF source generation 26 Sinad This field is used to select a meter to read signals from the Audio Data SINAD input baseband jack The measurements appear to the right of this field Valid selections OTe n When baseband measurements are made all receiver measurements including the DSP data decoding are disabled due to hardware limitations Therefore an EDACS ...

Страница 263: ...ions can occur during the Radio Simulation Error messages display briefly under these conditions LOST CHANNEL The Radio has lost contact with the Repeater during a Group Call CHAN OUT OF RANGE A channel assignment from the Repeater was out of pre programmed Channel range INVALID ID An ID other than what was set in the Logical Group ID fields was used to call the Radio Simulator NO UN MUTE FOUND Th...

Страница 264: ...EDACS Control Channel for the Receiver side of the Radio Simulator This field is editable which puts the Control Channel in Manual mode Value range 0 to 1000 0000 MHz 4 Atten This field is used to set the Receiver Attenuation Value range 0 or 30 dB 5 Input This field is used to select the Receiver s RF Input for the Radio Simulator to the T R or the Antenna port Valid values are T R or ANT 6 Group...

Страница 265: ...Scope Analyzer or Digital Voltmeter DVM If a Group Call PTT was made to another Radio and is still in progress it is possible to access any of the three screens without interrupting the call The only way to enter the extended screens is to use the softkeys The Return field in the extended screen allows a return to the Repeater Simulator 14 RF Generate This field shows the current RF Frequency of t...

Страница 266: ...an Emergency Group Call was made 18 Message Briefly shows the last EDACS message received from the Repeater Display only field GRP CHAN ASSGN A Group Call Channel Assignment message is received from the Repeater CH UPDATE A Channel Update message is received from the Repeater CALL DROP A Call Drop message is received from the Repeater 19 Mod Source This field is used to select a Generator source f...

Страница 267: ...or Value range 0 00 to 100 0 kHz Should be Deviation 20 The recommended default value is 0 70 kHz 0 35 kHz for narrow band 24 Code This field is active when the selected source DTMF is modulated This allows the entry of desired DTMF digits to use for DTMF source generation 25 Sinad This field is used to select a meter to read signals from the Audio Data SINAD input baseband jack The measurements a...

Страница 268: ...gh Speed EDACS data is decoded Press DATA to re arm trigger Set the EDACS Trunking Scope trigger level high or low enough to avoid causing a trigger before the EDACS Data Burst occurs 1 Trigger Displays trigger level set high 2 Trigger Displays trigger level set low 3 Cplg Coupling Selects type of coupling preferred 0060712 T EDACS TRUNKING SCOPE 200 us div 2 5 kHz V Pos H Pos Mode Trigger Trig Ty...

Страница 269: ... type of data currently saved in the specified setup number Available types to save and recall are DUPLEX GENERATOR RECEIVER GENERATOR RECEIVER and EDACS Press the RECALL Hard Key in any EDACS option screen for this menu window 1 Setup Displays selected Memory Location for storage of current configuration 2 Name Displays optional alphanumeric label for selected Memory Location 3 Type Displays the ...

Страница 270: ...under test If the radio is having trouble locking onto the Repeater simulator check the CH field This must be set to a valid working channel number it is NOT the Control Channel number Data Generation If the radio won t lock onto the Repeater Simulator won t stay up when being called or the Radio Simulator is having trouble completing calls check the DATA Mod Source The DATA Mod Source must be set...

Страница 271: ...nking Option press SPCL Test Mode Key and select the option from the Special Menu If the MPT 1327 Trunking Main screen is not displayed press SETUP Hard Key Select Version information to verify the option is installed AUTOMATIC TEST MODE An Automatic Test facility is provided where a Radio Unit RU is subjected to a series of predefined tests with minimum intervention REPEATER SIMULATOR The COM 120...

Страница 272: ...C ident in message transactions with a radio unit With some Radio Unit s SDM s from TSCI have a system dependent meaning sometimes making it necessary to change this value CODEWORDS These parameters are the syncronization codewords for control and traffic channels used in the generation of control channel signaling and encode of transmitted messages The default values for SYNC and SYNT UK standard...

Страница 273: ...es are effectively those of logical channel 0 CHANNEL SPACING The normal values for this parameter are either 12 5 kHz default or 25 kHz If it is set to zero editing of the channel frequency allocation plan fields is enabled otherwise editing is disabled Other values of channel spacing can be entered as required FFSK MODULATION The FFSK modulation level is used to determine the deviation applied t...

Страница 274: ...2 bits and the NDD field 4 or 9 bits The LAB field is normally set to 001 to allow any category radio unit to access the system The NDD field generally contains a site identifier number for a multiple site network The easiest way to construct the SYSCODE is to convert each field into binary with all leading zeroes to complete the field width then create a 16 bit hexadecimal number converting each ...

Страница 275: ...e Hunt This may take many minutes before acquiring a channel and going into service Radio Units operating in the UK Band III sub bands 1 and 2 use a slightly different channel designation Sub band 1 Channel No CHAN field binary representation Radio Unit tx freq 1 184 5000MHz 58 1000000001 185 2125MHz 560 1111110111 191 4875MHz Sub band 2 Channel No CHAN field binary representation Radio Unit tx fr...

Страница 276: ...l number and base frequency by the formula BASE FREQUENCY channel number x channel spacing For example if it is known that the frequency of a control channel is 188 8750 MHz and it is channel number 298 the base frequency must be 188 8750 298 x 0 0125 185 025 MHz assuming the channel spacing is 12 5kHz For situations with a non incremental channel plan usually used when there are different channel...

Страница 277: ...is highlighted when the COM 120C is in control channel mode 2 TCH Displays traffic channel status The cursor is highlighted when the COM 120C is in traffic channel mode 3 Extended Meas Provides access to extended measurement screens 4 RF Receive Receiver frequency value dependent on current channel 5 Input Receiver RF source selection Selections are T R or ANT 6 Atten Receiver input attenuation Se...

Страница 278: ... kHz Voice is indicated by a V data by a D 15 AF Frequency Displays Unit Under Test transmitter Audio Frequency in Hz 16 Distortion DTMF This field displays either Distortion or DTMF 17 Mod Source Displays selected modulation source Selections include GEN1 Audio Generator 1 GEN2 Audio Generator 2 where fitted and DTMF DTMF Tone Generator 18 Deviation Displays modulation source Deviation 19 Frequen...

Страница 279: ... the RU under test Valid range is 0 to 8191 3 ESN Electronic Serial Number of the RU under test displayed following a successful registration test 4 Repeater See Appendix D for softkey definition 5 Call Type This field allows selection of the call types for COM 120C initiated calls to the RU selected by PFIX IDENT 6 Status Info Displays information messages pertaining to the current status eg IN T...

Страница 280: ...nctionality and parametric measurements possible The quickest route to checking a Radio Unit is to o Select the correct Network file from stored files or create a new one o Enter Repeater Simulator mode o Ensure correct Antenna connections are selected and RF levels are correct o Wait until Radio Unit goes into service o Initiate a Speech Call request from the Radio Unit If the Radio Unit does not...

Страница 281: ...e digits for calls within fleet The conversion between 1343 numbers and 1327 identities is performed within the RU It is impossible for the COM 120C to determine the MPT 1343 number however the conversion between the two is relatively easy To convert MPT 1343 to MPT 1327 MPT 1327 PFIX MPT 1343 PFIX 200 MPT 1327 IDENT FLEET ID 2000 x 2 FLEET NUMBER 20 or 200 Example MPT 1343 ID 201 2500 27 MPT 1327...

Страница 282: ...id range is 0 to 127 2 Ident This field is the MPT 1327 Identity of the simulated Radio Unit Valid range is 0 to 8191 3 ESN Electronic Serial Number of the simulated RU under test derived from the unit serial number of the COM 120C 4 Called ID This field allows selection of the called RU ident Setting this the same as the IDENT field allows testing without an additional RU 5 Status Info Displays i...

Страница 283: ...under test Valid range is 0 to 8191 5 ESN Electronic Serial Number of the RU under test displayed following a successful registration test 6 Registration This test demands the RU to register and interrogates the ESN 7 Moving CCH This test sends the Radio Unit to another control channel defined in the network definition An availability check is performed to ensure the RU successfully moved to the n...

Страница 284: ...when at the prompt The call is cleared from the COM 120C 10 Handoff This test sets up a speech call to the Radio Unit Once in traffic the RU is handed off to the lowest channel specified in the network definition Parametric measurements are performed as per SPEECH CALL TO RU The call is cleared by the COM 120C which then calls the RU again and hands it off to the highest channel The parametric mea...

Страница 285: ...OM 120C GEN1 is used to generate the test signal direct audio connections are required to perform this measurement 5 Tx Limiter Minimum and maximum permissable transmitter limiting deviation in kHz Since the COM 120C GEN1 is used to generate the test signal direct audio connections are required to perform this measurement 6 Tx Distortion Maximum permissable transmitter distortion as a percentage S...

Страница 286: ...t 9 Rx Distortion Maximum permissable receiver distortion as a percentage Since the COM 120C GEN1 is used to generate the test signal direct audio connections are required to perform this measurement 10 Rx AF Level Minimum and maximum permissable receiver audio level in Vrms Since the COM 120C GEN1 is used to generate the test signal direct audio connections are required to perform this measuremen...

Страница 287: ... of the screen or in pop up windows Note that before the selected tests are executed a control channel acquisition test is always performed Pressing any hard key aborts the autotest Once the sequence of tests has been completed the auto test selection results screen is re displayed This screen indicates the overall result and result for each test PASS FAIL or not tested These results are based on ...

Страница 288: ...er frequency error in kHz 2 Tx Power Measured value of transmitter power in W 3 Tx Deviation Measured value of transmitter deviation in kHz 4 Tx Limiter Measured value of transmitter limiting deviation in kHz 5 Tx Distortion Measured value of transmitter distortion as a percentage 6 Rx Sensitivity Measured value of Receiver Sensitivity in dBm or µV 7 Rx SINAD Measured value of receiver SINAD in dB...

Страница 289: ... TCH Displays control and traffic channel status The relevant cursor is highlighted when the COM 120C is in control or traffic channel mode Softkey functions available are dependent upon mode 2 PFIX IDENT Identity of Radio Unit for use in FOLLOW mode 3 GTC ACKQ Displays statistics summary The cursor is highlighted when the COM 120C is in traffic channel mode 4 Repeater Monitor Softkeys See Appendi...

Страница 290: ...6 115 SECTION 6 OPTIONS 1 Monitor Filter Softkeys See Appendix D 2 Radio Monitor Softkeys See Appendix D ...


Страница 292: ...Audio AUDIO DATA GEN BNC OUT Audio AUDIO DATA IN BNC IN Analog Digital 20 Vdc MAX EXT MOD BNC IN Analog 20 Vdc MAX MIC ACC 8 Pin DIN IN OUT See Pin Out Table AUX RF OUT BNC OUT RF ANTENNA TNC IN RF 0 25 W CW MAX AC LINE IN AC Power IN 120 240 VAC DC IN OUT 12 Vdc 24 30 Vdc GPIB IEEE 488 24 Pin Champ IN OUT See Pin Out Table RS 232 9 Pin D IN OUT See Pin Out Table EXTERNAL REFERENCE BNC IN 10 MHz 0...

Страница 293: ...PE I O 1 PTT Out TTL Programmable Out 2 Mic Audio Audio In 3 Demod Audio Audio Out 4 NC NC 5 15 Vdc 10 15 Vdc 1 mA Out 6 NC NC 7 Mic Switch TTL Programmable In 8 GND Pin Out for MIC ACC Connector Table IN OUT MIC ACC 8 6 1 4 2 5 3 7 8618013 MIC ACC Connector Pin Identification ...

Страница 294: ...O 2 DIO 2 11 ATN 3 DIO 3 12 Digital GND 4 DIO 4 13 DIO 5 5 EOI 14 DIO 6 6 DAV 15 DIO 7 7 NFRD 16 DIO 8 8 NDAC 17 REN 9 IFC 18 24 Digital GND Pin Out for GPIB Connector Table IEEE 1 12 13 24 8618016 GPIB Pin Identification Use of the GPIB Connector is in compliance with ANSI IEEE Standard 488 2 1987 ...

Страница 295: ...OR RS 232 CONNECTOR PIN NUMBER ASSIGNMENT 1 4 7 kΩ 15 Vdc 2 TX DATA 3 RX DATA 4 N C 5 Digital GND 6 4 7 kΩ 15 Vdc 7 CTS 8 RTS 9 N C Pin Out for RS 232 Connector Table RS 232 1 5 9 6 8618017 RS 232 Connector Pin Identification ...

Страница 296: ...Bit Error Rate bps Bits per second C Cbl Flt Cable Fault CCH Control Channel ccw Counterclockwise Cont Continued CW Continuous Wave C Wt C Weight D DAC Digital to Analog Converter DCS Digital Coded Squelch dB Decibels dBm Decibels relative to 1 milli watt dc Direct Current DCS Digital Coded Squelch Codes Demod Audio Demodulated Audio Dev Deviation Disp Display Dist Distortion div Division s DMM Di...

Страница 297: ...te of Electrical and Electronic Engineers I O Input Output K kbps Kilobits per second kHz Kilohertz 1000 Hertz L L lim Lower Limit Lmt Limit LSB Single Sideband Lower lvl Level M M Freq Audio Frequency MHz Megahertz 1000000 Hertz MIC Microphone Source Mkr Marker mod Modulation modul Modulation ms Millisecond MTRS Meters mV Millivolt mW Milliwatt N Neg Negative NADC North American Digital Cellular ...

Страница 298: ...m Interface sec Second SGL Single SIG Signal Strength SQLCH Squelch SSB Single Side Band T TERM Terminal T Freq Duplex Transmitter Frequency Tone Rem Tone Remote Trig Trigger Trk Tracking Tx Duplex Transmitter Receiving Frequency U U lim Upper Limit us Microsecond USB Single Sideband Upper UUT Unit Under Test V V Volt VAC Alternating current voltage VChan Voice Channel Vdc Direct current voltage V...


Страница 300: ... be repackaged in original shipping containers using IFR packing materials If original shipping containers and materials are not available contact IFR Customer Service Department for shipping instructions C 1 4 FREIGHT COSTS All freight costs on non warranty shipments are assumed by the customer See Warranty Packet for freight charge policy on warranty claims C 2 REPACKING PROCEDURE Make sure bott...

Страница 301: ...n industrial stapler Tie all sides of container with break resistant rope twine or equivalent TOP PACKING MOLD TEST INSTRUMENT WRAPPED WITH POLYETHYLENE SHEETING BOTTOM PACKING MOLD IFR SHIPPING CONTAINER HOLD DOWN STRAP ELASTIC RETAINER 8618018 Repacking for Shipment ...

Страница 302: ...cts 1 0 Second Gate Time 10 dB Selects 10 dB Logarithmic Scale for Spectrum Analyzer Vertical Scale 10 kHz Selects 10 kHz Range 10 RAD Selects 10 Radians as active upper range for Phase Modulation Meter 10 S Selects 10 Second Gate Time 100 Hz Selects 100 Hz Range 100 kHz Selects 100 kHz Range 100 kHz Selects 100 kHz Range 100 Sets Distortion Meter Upper Range to 100 Selects 100 as active upper ran...

Страница 303: ... Modulation Meter 50 kHz Selects 50 kHz Range 512 Selects 512 bps Data Rate Displayed only with cursor at Data Rate Field 55 dB Selects 55 dB as active upper range for SINAD Meter 5970 Hz Selects 5970 SAT Frequency in optional AMPS Cellular operation 6000 Hz Selects 6000 SAT Frequency in optional AMPS Cellular operation 6030 Hz Selects 6030 SAT Frequency in optional AMPS Cellular operation 800 MHz...

Страница 304: ...cesses Automatic Test screen AUX Selects AUX RF OUT as output connector Indicator lights up AUX Gate Selects AUX RF OUT as output connector Indicator lights up Only active when microphone is keyed AVG Activates deactivates Average Oscilloscope Operation Mode BER Accesses Bit Error Rate Option BER Inserts Bit Errors in the control channel signaling This function increases the number of bit errors i...

Страница 305: ...sses an Analyzer pop up window to configure Scan Width RBW and Sweep Rate Accesses Tracking Generator Configuration pop up window Accesses Configure screen for selecting POCSAG Function Capcode Range and Data Rate Displays a window allowing editing of the default status SDM1 code and SDM2 text message Config Accesses pop up window for setting Sweep Width for Find Function Range of Sweep Width is 0...

Страница 306: ... Screen for USER Defined signaling format and initiates decoding function for DCS and DCS Inverted Functions Toggles message decoding ON and OFF Pressing the softkey highlights the DECODE softkey Messages continue to scroll through the screen until DECODE is pressed again DEFAULT Sets only the current field to factory default state for the current scan width DEFLT Sets the current Analyzer field t...

Страница 307: ... Config Function centered around Center Frequency Find Lvl Activates horizontal marker for setting reference level of Find Function Marker level is controlled by DATA SCROLL Keys or DATA SCROLL Spinner Press Find Lvl again to exit mode FIX Repairs damage to the system CHKDSK operation FIXED Selects Fixed Data Pattern type in optional BER Meter operation FL Accesses User Defined Frequency List FM S...

Страница 308: ...initiate a Group Call do a Login or the simulator may initiate a call to another radio INDV Individual Call is s4elected and starts when softkey is pressed INFO Accesses Customer Information Menu INTERNAL Selects internal file system Saves data internally in the COM 120C for later retrieval INT MOD Routes Audio signal from Internal Modulation sources as composite signal to Speaker and PHONES Conne...

Страница 309: ...OBILE Initiates Manual Mobile Initiated Call Test MOD MTR Routes Modulation Meter signal to DEMOD Connector MONITOR Accesses Off Air Monitor screen MOVE Moves a file from one directory to another Enter a drive directory and name to relocate the file Move the file within the same drive or from one drive to another Moves the control channel to that displayed in the CCH field and sets the RF frequenc...

Страница 310: ...12 files in the list PK HOLD Activates deactivates Peak Hold Oscilloscope Operation Mode PM Selects Phase Modulation as Modulation type Selects Phase Modulation as Demodulation type POCSAG Selects POCSAG as Format type POCSAG Selects Inverted POCSAG as Format type PRGM Puts the Band mode back to one of the channel modes 800 MHz 900 MHz or USER The logical channels from the Setup Screen are then ac...

Страница 311: ...ESUME Restarts Sweep Function Returns the COM 120C to normal operation RETURN Exits an application or window and returns to normal operation RE ZERO Sets RF Power Meter to 0 mW referenced to current input at T R Connector RF GEN Selects RF Generator as BER Meter source RF POW Selects RF Power Meter input line s input source for meter RF REC Selects RF Receiver either T R or ANT as BER Meter input ...

Страница 312: ... to set up a Speech Call with RU selected by PFIX IDENT SPKR Selects Speaker Headphones as current Filter Line Split Accesses Split Screen Function Split Screen Spectrum Analyzer allows two Center Frequencies SQUARE Selects Square as active Wave Shape START Activates a function Starts an Automatic Test STATUS Sends a Status SDM1 message to the RU selected by PFIX IDENT STOP Stops an activated func...

Страница 313: ... GEN to edit the frequency Directly enter frequencies from 0 to 1 GHz uV Sets Output Level Units to µV Toggles value setting V Sets Output Level Units to V VOICE Selects Voice Deviation measurement Vrms Selects Vrms for Reading Units W B Routes Audio signal from AUDIO DATA IN Connector to Speaker and PHONES Connector without filtering WIDE Sets System Band to Wide 800 MHz WIDE Selects Deviation Ra...

Страница 314: ...nel LTR Option 14 6 21 General 6 21 COM 120C Product Specifications 1 11 Cursor Movement 3 9 D Data Generator Bit Error Rate Meter Option 07 6 2 Data Generator Operation 4 67 DC Fuse Replacement Page 2 Decoding Digital Signaling Formats 6 16 Decoding 2 Tone Sequential Format 5 26 Digital Voltmeter Operation 4 69 Digital Voltmeter specifications 1 20 Distortion Meter specifications 1 19 Distortion ...

Страница 315: ...9 Meter Screens 3 25 Mobile Init Test 6 59 6 64 Modulating RF Signals w Digital Signaling Formats 6 13 Modulation specifications 1 12 MPT1327 MPT1343 Numbering Schemes 6 106 MPT1327 Trunking Option 17 6 96 O Off Air Monitor 6 114 Options 1 10 Oscilloscope 1 6 Oscilloscope Operation Screen 4 20 4 53 Oscilloscope specifications 1 20 Oscilloscope Screen 3 20 Oven Crystal Oscillator Frequency Standard...

Страница 316: ...er 1 7 Spectrum Analyzer Operation Screen 4 25 Spectrum Analyzer Screen 3 22 Spectrum Analyzer specifications 1 21 Spectrum Analyzer Tracking Generator Option 12 6 19 Store and Recall Operation 4 29 4 53 Syscode Calculation 6 99 T Test Execution 6 112 Testing A Receiver Using Digital Signaling Formats 6 17 Testing A Transmitter Using Digital Signaling Formats 6 17 Testing Radio Units 6 105 Transmi...






Страница 322: ...urther actions required NOTE Fans may operate when unit is OFF but plugged in or Internal Battery installed AC FUSE REPLACEMENT ο Disconnect ac power from COM 120C ο Depress clip on underside of AC FUSE Holder and pull straight out ο Remove AC FUSE Holder and remove fuse Insure proper fuse is installed in AC FUSE Holder Fuses provided include two 3 0 A 250 V Type F 5 X 20 mm fuses for ac operation...


Страница 324: ...o ON ο Set COM 120C Main Power Switch to OFF 0 on switch ο Remove all power sources and disconnect all measuring terminals from COM 120C ο Loosen 4 Screws on Battery Access Panel Remove Battery Access Panel ο Disconnect Positive and Negative Terminals from battery ο Remove Battery from cavity ο Install replacement battery in cavity ο Connect Positive and Negative Terminals to replacement battery I...

Страница 325: ...ive Terminals from battery ο Remove Battery from cavity ο Pull Battery cable out of COM 120C until Battery Fuseholder is exposed ο Unscrew Battery Cable Fuseholder cap and remove fuse ο Replace fuse with 10 A 32 V Type F AGC fuse ο Feed Battery Cable into Chassis ο Install Battery in cavity ο Connect Positive and Negative Terminals to Battery Install Battery Access Panel 8707005 POSITIVE TERMINAL ...

Страница 326: ...T KST HYQI VTP PV TP t Z fƒžZ KTU YVQT PPTU KTU YVQT PPTW t Z f Š Z fƒžZ KTT HQTSXI WTRRPP Hs ƒ I KTT HPXPPI RXR SXX Huk ŸI KTT HQTSXI WRWVPQ Hs ƒ I china europe north europe south france germany hong kong latin america scandinavia united kingdom usa t Z t f Z fƒžZ KQ HSQVI URR TYXQ KQ HXPPI XSU RSUR Hus ŸI KQ HSQVI URR QSVP KTT HQWPSI RWSWRR HcŠƒ f I KTT HQWPSI RUTPQU HcŠƒ f I a œ ƒ ƒ œƒŸ Ž š š L...
