10 Operation
After power on, the unit is in the Run mode (= normal operating mode)� It carries
out its measurement and evaluation functions and provides output signals
according to the set parameters�
Operating indicators → Chapter 7 Operating and display elements.
10.1 Read set parameters
► Press [Mode/Enter] until the requested parameter is displayed�
► Press [Set] briefly�
> The unit displays the corresponding parameter value for approx� 15 s� After
another 15 s the parameter is displayed again, then the unit returns to the Run
10.2 Change the display in the Run mode
► Press [Set] briefly in the Run mode�
> The unit indicates the current measured value in the selected type of indication
for approx� 15 s:
-System pressure in the unit set in Uni�
-System pressure in % of the set scaling of the analogue output if [OU2] is
configured as analogue output�
-System pressure in % of the final value of the measuring range if [OU2] is
configured as switching output�
10.3 Self-diagnosis / error indications
The unit has many self-diagnostic options�
• It monitors itself automatically during operation�
• It indicates warnings and faults via IO-Link and via display (even if the display
is deactivated)�
• If a fault is found, the outputs are set according to the set parameters FOU1
and FOU2 (→ 9.4.2).