Setting of the maximum sensitivity
Go into the programming mode (step 1).
Align the unit so that no light is reflected.
Press the setting button twice (see steps 2 and 3).
Setting the output function
You can change the output function by means of the setting button:
light-on mode (output switched, LED yellow = ON, if no object is present),
dark-on mode (output switched, LED yellow = ON, if object is present).
State when delivered: dark-on mode.
Press for 10s.
The yellow and green LEDs flash
after 10s the LEDs go out, the output
function has been changed.
Check the safe functioning of the diffuse reflection sensor. Display by LEDs.
LED green lights
Unit is ready for operation.
LED yellow lights
Output is switched.
LEDs yellow flashes
2 Hz: Output short-circuited,
1 Hz: Internal malfunction,
(output is not switched).
Keep the lens of the sensor free from soiling. For cleaning do not use any solvents
or cleaning agents which could damage the plastic lenses.