Cylinder sensor with IO-Link
- or –
Select [Parameter] > [SSC1.x].
[SSC1.x Config. ]Select [Mode] and set [Deactivated].
9.8 Diagnostics
The device provides the following diagnostic information via the IO-Link interface:
In addition, diagnostic messages can be output as switching signals via the hardware outputs OUT1
and OUT2. The switching output set for the diagnostic message is switched on in normal operation
(normally closed). If the device detects a diagnostic case, the output will be switched off. The switch
point logic cannot be changed.
Diagnostic cases are:
The tolerated time window between the activation of SSC1.1 and the activation of SSC1.2 has
been exceeded or not reached.
The tolerated time window between the activation of SSC1.2 and the activation of SSC1.1 was
exceeded or not reached.
The threshold value for the switching cycles counter SCT1.1 has been reached.
The threshold value for the switching cycles counter SCT1.2 has been reached.
The magnetic field is too strong or too weak or the magnet is outside the measuring range.
9.8.1 Stroke time monitoring
The stroke time monitoring function monitors the time required by the lifting cylinder to change
between two end positions. The two positions (end position 1 and end position 2) are each signalled
by a switching signal via the switching signal channels SSC1.1 and SSC1.2.
If more or less time is needed for the position change than set via a tolerance time, the "Timeout"
event will be activated.
Stroke time monitoring can be used, for example, to detect wear on the cylinder, dirt in the application
or low air pressure. Stroke time monitoring parameter setting
The time for changing a piston rod between two end positions can be monitored in both directions of
movement of the lifting cylinder. For this purpose, the sequence of the switching process must be
observed when selecting the parameters:
1 --> 2 : Time between deactivation of SSC1.1 and activation of SSC1.2
2 --> 1 : Time between deactivation of SSC1.2 and activation of SSC1.1