Failure of the safety function
When used outside of the defined environmental conditions, the
safety-related function of the sensor cannot be guaranteed.
Use only in accordance with the defined environmental
conditions (→ Technical data).
Observe the following requirements:
Take appropriate measures for a permanent and safe fixing (→ Installation).
In case of lateral damping in the area of the safe switch-off distance of < s
the target must stay there until the safe state of the complete system is
achieved. Note the response time for safety-related faults of the sensor!
The safe fixing must be regularly maintained at suitable intervals (cyclical
inspection). Document maintenance actions (time, persons etc.).
Adhere to EN 14,119 for interlocking devices associated with guards.
Adhere to the principle of normally closed operation for all external safety
circuits connected to the system.
In case of faults within the fail-safe sensor which result in the defined safe
state: Take measures to maintain the safe state when the complete control
system continues to be operated.
Replace damaged units.
3 Items supplied
• 1 safety sensor with 2 fixing nuts
• 1 original operating instructions
If one of the above-mentioned components is missing or damaged, please contact
one of the ifm branch offices.
4 Functions and features
The device detects metal without contact.
Safety-related function SF: The safe state (output stage switched off; Logic "0") is
achieved in case of damping that is shorter than the safe switch-off distance (→ 9
Technical data).