IO-Link Master with Modbus TCP Interface DataLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Modbus TCP: Programmers' notes
Rules for accessing the Modbus registers .............................................................................................73
Supported function codes .......................................................................................................................73
Note: Exception Codes ...........................................................................................................................74
Use acyclic services ...............................................................................................................................75
Rules for accessing the Modbus registers
The following general rules apply for access to the Modbus registers:
► Only use the valid function codes to read or write Modbus registers (→
Supported function
► After every read or write access check the validity of the transmitted data (→
Mapping: PQI
Supported function codes
The AL1340 supports the following function codes for read and/or write access to the Modbus register:
Function code
Function name / description
03 (0x03)
Read Multiple Registers
04 (0x04)
Read Input Register
06 (0x06)
Write Single Register
16 (0x10)
Write Multiple Registers
23 (0x17)
Read/Write Multiple Registers
43 (0x2B)
Read Device Identification
Detailed information about the function codes:
→ MODBUS-TCP specification