8.2 Explanation of the menu
SP1/rP1 Upper / lower limit value for system pressure at which OUT1 switches�
SP2/rP2 Upper / lower limit value for system pressure at which OUT2 switches�
OU1 Output function for OUT1:
• Switching signal for the pressure limit values: hysteresis function [H ��] or
window function [F ��], either normally open [� no] or normally closed [� nc]�
OU2 Output function for OUT2:
• Switching signal for the pressure limit values: hysteresis function [H ��] or
window function [F ��], either normally open [� no] or normally closed [� nc]�
• Diagnostic signal [OU2] = dESI�
EF Extended functions / opening of menu level 2�
Uni Standard unit of measurement for system pressure�
HI Maximum value memory for system pressure�
LO Minimum value memory for system pressure (only PN7004 and PN7009)�
dS1/dS2 Switch-on delay for OUT1 / OUT2�
dr1/dr2 Switch-off delay for OUT1 / OUT2�
P-n Output logic: pnp / npn�
dAP Damping for the switching outputs�
diS Update rate and orientation of the display�
rES Restore factory settings�