A2 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
1: Input
2: SPS
The signal output Y7 provides a non-safety related signal
for communication to a plc� The signal corresponds to that
triggering the relays at the outputs C5 (67, 68) and C6
(77,78). The output data is compatible with the input data of
the current-sinking inputs of type 1, 2, 3 to EN 61131-2�
8 Connection - Function - Fault diagnosis
The safety relay can be connected or used in different ways:
1� Safety relay for fail-safe sensors/switches with 2 PNP outputs (e.g.GM701S).
2� Safety relay for clocked fail-safe sensors (e.g. GM504S).
3� Two-hand control to EN 574, type IIIC with electronic sensors�
4� Two-hand control to EN 574, type IIIC with mechanical switches / safety relay
for mechanical switches or 2-channel fail-safe sensors/switches (e�g� ESPE to
EN 61496-1) with contact output with simultaneity monitoring.
5� Safety relay for e-stop, for two-channel fail-safe sensors/switches (e�g� ESPE
to EN 61496-1) with contact output without simultaneity monitoring (indefinite
simultaneity) or for mechanical switches.