Keep the minimum speed to be monitored in the plant on a constant level�
Connect the device to supply voltage�
Wait until the start-up delay is over
(→ 8 Technical data)
Set the switch point depending on the status of the green LED�
6.1 Setting for switching function normally open
When the green LED does not light:
-Turn the pot slowly anticlockwise (-) until the green LED lights�
Setting is finished�
When the green LED lights:
-Turn the pot clockwise (+) until the green LED goes out�
-Turn the pot slowly anticlockwise (-) until the green LED lights�
Setting is finished�
6.2 Setting for switching function normally closed
When the green LED lights:
-Turn the pot slowly anticlockwise (-) until the green LED goes out�
Setting is finished�
When the green LED does not light:
-Turn the pot clockwise (+) until the green LED lights�
-Turn the pot slowly anticlockwise (-) until the green LED goes out�
Setting is finished�
7 Operation
The operation is maintenance-free�
Ensure the following for a correct function:
Keep the sensing face and the clear space free of metal deposits and foreign
Do not operate units with high field intensity (e�g� mobile phones) at close
range to the speed monitor�