7.1.6 VER
Software version
The installed software version is displayed (5-digit number with abbreviation VCO)�
7.2 Application parameters
7.2.1 SPx
Switch Point (outputs 1/2)
Value at which the output 1/2 changes its switching state according to switching function
0�1 ��� 1000�0 Hz or 1 ��� 60000 RPM (unit depends on DIM)
Default value
SP1 = 100 RPM, SP2 = 1000 RPM
7.2.2 HYx
Hysteresis (for switch points SP1/SP2)
The hysteresis value determines the distance between the switch-off point and the switch
point SPx� Prevents a possible chattering of the switching output� In connection with the
switching functions 5 and 6 (FOx) an acceptable range or an error range can be defined�
0�0���1000�0 % of the value for SPx
Default value
7.2.3 STx
Start-Up Delay Time (for outputs 1/2)
Enables the suppression of error messages when a machine is started� When the device
is switched on or when the 24 V signal is removed from the reset input, the respective
output for the time set here is in the "good" state (= no fault)�
0�0���1000�0 s
Default value
0�0 (no start-up delay)