1. Make sure you are seated.
2. Make sure the flap with the hooks are on the outside flap.
3. The bolt on the lateral upright should be facing directly upward.
4. We recommend starting with the
middle or top buckle first.
The lower buckle is secured last.
5. You may need to start looser and then gradually tighten the cables
by buckling and re-buckling until the optimal hook is reached. You may
notice that once you tighten one area another cables loosens- continue
to optimize until the right tightness is achieved.
6. Always make sure your hand is on the
outside of the buckle.
7. If you notice that the edge of the liner or flap with the hooks is running
into the lateral upright, please contact your prosthetist to have this piece
trimmed down.
8. Always check that the buckles are securely fastened by checking that
the safety latch is engage.