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for products formerly manufactured by
GenRad (General
Since 1976, IET labs has had a long-standing commitment to
conform the instruments and standards we
offer to the customer’s needs
rather than to have the customer settle for what is available. We devote our
customer service and applications entirely to the customer’s satisfaction in the quality standards, test instru-
ments and calibration service we provide.
Combinations of functions, special ranges, ratings, or accuracies.
Replacement for discontinued models from other manufacturers.
Calibration and repair services - NIST traceable.
Compliant with ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ANSI Z540-1-1994, and MIL-STD-45662A.
R: 20
-1 T
C: <1 pF - 1 F
L: 100
H-100 H
The World Standard in Metrology
Since 1915
Featuring instruments formerly
Featuring instruments formerly
Featuring instruments formerly
Featuring instruments formerly
Featuring instruments formerly
manufactured by
manufactured by
manufactured by
manufactured by
manufactured by
GenRad/General Radio/QuadTech
Now continuing the GenRad tradition
Accuracy to 1 ppm
Resolution to 0.1 ppm
Voltage to 20 kV
Power to over 1000 W
Programmable IEEE-488 or BCD