5.3.USB3.0 RAW8-RAW8 Normal Shutter Mode
UVC(YUV):Y -> CAMERA 1 RAW 8bit / UV -> CAMERA 2 RAW 8bit
After CMOS sensor is finished to expose, start to translate USB data.
USB translate timing is not fixed.
5.4.USB3.0 RAW8-RAW8 Fixed Trigger Shutter Mode
UVC(YUV):Y -> CAMERA 1 RAW 8bit / UV -> CAMERA 2 RAW 8bit
After CMOS sensor is finished to expose, start to translate USB data.
Frame Rate depend on trigger timing and exposure time.
USB translate timing is not fixed.
1235208 Pixel Data
1284 × 962
Exposure Time
1388clk × Number of set lines
Exposure Time CLK 74.25 MHz
Frame rate 54.08 fps
1235208 Pixel Data
1284 × 962
Exposure Time
1650clk × Number of set lines
Exposure Time CLK 74.25 MHz