Page 133
Batch Programming
How to build a batch command
Batch command can contain many commands. Each command is divided by semicolon. Batch command
must be ended with save command.
Command structure: command (+ equal mark + setting information)
The setting command list is provided below
There are 4 setting command modes
Setting syntax 1: Command
The most command is the one can be set at one time without the command.
The command setting the baud rate as 38400 bps: 0100060
The command setting auto mode: 0302010
Setting syntax 2: C equal mark + number
This command is used for setting the value of parameter, including the longest and shortest length
of the barcode, one reading timeout setting, same barcode reading delay setting, sensitive value
setting, etc.
The command setting the one reading timeout as 3000ms: 0313000 = 3000
The command setting the sensitive value as 10: 0312040 = 10
Setting syntax 3: c equal mark + hex (e.g., 0x101a
This command can be used as setting the user-defined prefix, user-defined suffix, ending suffix,
CodeID, increase or cancel the barcode length value, information intercepting, etc. Note: every two
hexes in the command stand for a setting character
Append the fixed length 4 of interleaved 2of 5 to 26: 0405160 = 0x041a
Setting the suffix information of the ending as CR/LF: 0310000 = 0x0d0a
Setting syntax 4: c equal mark+ double quotation marks
If the setting information is viewable character, then this mode of setting is appropriate.
The command setting the user-defined prefix information as AUTO-ID
0300000 =