Thanking you for the preference you gave us, IDROBASE GROUP Srl is glad to include your firm in the list of its
preferred customers and relies that the use of this machine will be fully satisfactory.
This manual is intended to provide all instructions and precautions to be followed to properly use the machine in
safety and productivity; It is therefore appropriate that the operator consult this manual before using the machine.
The manual must always be available to the operator and kept in good condition; is the user's responsibility to wor-
ry about the training of personnel assigned to the use and maintenance for safety purposes . The replacement of
parts not manufactured or approved by the fingers IDROBASE GROUP Srl may affect the performance or durabi-
lity of the machine and create the potential risk to the machine itself or the staff, as well as make void the warranty.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in this publication are not binding; IDROBASE GROUP Srl therefore
reserves the right to make changes at any time, without obligation , to update the publication , to change bodies ,
details, accessories supplies for further improvement, or for any other manufacturing and / or commercial function
greater safety.
The instructions, drawings , tables, and all that is contained in the following file are technical in nature and reser-
ved, for this reason, any information can not be communicated to third parties without written authorization from
IDROBASE GROUP Srl that is its sole owner.
In case of dispute the valid jurisdiction is that of Padua (Italy).
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