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right to amend specifications without notice or obligation.
– PC1 OR PC2
CAFS Mixing Manifold
– Greasing Ball Valve
The CAFS Mixing Manifold contains a ball valve as part of the air ratio control system.
This ball valve must be maintained by inserting lubricating grease at three monthly intervals
to ensure smooth and efficient operation.
Use a marine waterproof grease, e.g “Aquaslip” (supplied by Tetrosyl Ltd., Bury, Lancashire,
BL9 6RE. www.tetrosyl.com)
The grease is inserted through one or two grease nipples. The first nipple is located on the
side of the valve facing the discharge end of the manifold. If a second nipple is fitted, it will be
on the other side of the manifold. Connect a suitable grease gun to the nipple and insert
grease until a resistance is felt, this indicates that sufficient grease has been inserted.
Vacuum Test
Place the blanking cap(s) in position on the inlet(s) of the pump and close the delivery valves.
Run the pump at 1300-1500 rpm and observe the vacuum/compound needle. When a
vacuum of 0.7bar is obtained, stop the pump. This vacuum should be maintained for at least
15 seconds or drop no more 0.07bar in a minute.
If the pump will not hold the vacuum with the blanking caps in position, a leak is present in
the pump, and the pressure test detailed below must be carried out to trace it.
Should the pump not reach a vacuum of 0.7bar but will hold a lower pressure, a fault in the
priming system is indicated.
Check as follows:
Check each primer drain hole for water leakage. If leakage is found, replace the primer seals
and O rings as described in the Maintenance Manual Procedures.
If the pump will not achieve 0.7bar vacuum, and will not hold what it does achieve, there is a
leak, and possibly also a fault, in the priming system.
Pressure Test
– carried out without pump running.
This test is to be carried out if the pump will not hold a vacuum with blanking cap(s) in
position, and is intended to trace the leaks responsible for the loss of vacuum.