Delete the Entire Phonebook
In idle mode:
1. Press <Menu> and <UP/DOWN> to scroll to Phonebook.
2. Press <Select> to access the phonebook menu.
3. Press <UP/DOWN> and <Select> to select
Delete All
4. Press <OK> to confirm you want to delete all entries or <Back> to leave them saved.
e.g. "12 / 100 Used" indicates you have 12 entries stored, and the total capacity is 100.
5.6 View Phonebook Capacity
In idle mode:
1. Press <Menu> and <UP/DOWN> to scroll to Phonebook.
2. Press <Select> to access the phonebook menu.
3. Press <UP/DOWN> to select
PB Status
4. Press <Select> to display the number of entries in the phonebook memory.