Program conversion (FC4A/5A series -> FC6A Plus)
Programming software
LC programming software “WindLDR (Ver.8.6.0 or later)” included in our system integration
software “Automation Organizer” (series No.: SW1A-W1C) is used for the FC6A Plus as with the
FC4A/FC5A series.
The latest update file is published on our website. It is recommended to use the latest version of
“Automation Organizer” for program conversion.
Program conversion for FC6A Plus
Some of the FC4A/FC5A series programs are incompatible with the FC6A Plus programs. Thus, it
is impossible to perform automatic conversion of all programs completely. Program conversion
should be performed according to the WindLDR model setting. For details, refer to [Conversion
procedure in page 25]. When the model is changed, commands which can be replaced
automatically are converted, but those requiring manual replacement and those which cannot be
replaced will remain without conversion. The details of unconverted contents are output as a
conversion report, which can be checked on the information window. For details of conversion
report, refer to [Conversion Report in page 26].
For the function settings, compatible ones are taken over, but those not taken over are lost. Just
like user program conversion, the details are output as a conversion report, which can be checked
on the information window.
For details about the compatibility with each item of I/O numbers and special devices, refer to
[Compatibility table (FC4A/5A series -> FC6A series in page 29].