Fail/Safe Checking
A、Check that Flight Modes change on TX command
Check Flight Modes via the Configuration software ‘Flight Mode’:
Assuming your GPS module is connected; check whether switching between all working modes
is working normally.
For example:
Switch SWB at position1 to position 2, the PC GCS "data" page should show your TX status as
"Manual", Change CH5 to position 2 for Auto Hover and so on.
If flight mode does not change when you toggle the switches please check your hardware
connections or RC Transmitter setup.
B、Fail Safe (F/S) Checking
SWITCH OFF the RC Transmitter whilst the main controller is still powered on; the
‘Flight-Mode’ should switch to display "Return and Land", the throttle stick indicator should
be in the middle and displayed in GREEN. If it does not, please setup the fail-safe (F/S) again. It is
strongly recommended to use the default F/S.
⑩ C6W supported “Quad 4+” ,Quad 4X”