The MiniMag™
magnetic stripe reader can read 1, 2, or 3 tracks of magnetic
stripe information. In addition, it has full formatted data capabilities.
When connected to the host computer via the USB input port, the MiniMag
can be confi gured for compatiblity with the host’s software. The decoded data
appears to the host as if it were entered manually by an operator through the
This unit is fully programmable with a confi guration utility. The data can be for-
matted with preamble/postamble and terminator characters to match the format
expected by the host.
Power is obtained from the host. No separate power supply is required.
The MiniMag reader is connected to the host computer via a USB input port.
Since USB devices are designed to be “plug and play,” the computer will search
for a Human Interface Device (HID) driver when the MiniMag is fi rst connected.
If one cannot be found, the computer will prompt you to make a selection. The
Windows CD may be needed to complete the installation.
The magnetic stripe data is trasmitted and appears to the host as coming directly
from the keyboard. This makes the reader, as a data source, completely transpar-
ent to the host’s application software. In other words, if it is expecting data
from the keyboard, that same data can be entered via the MiniMag and make no
difference to the host.
If the host computer’s application software is expecting the MagStripe data in
a particular order and format, the reader’s output can be confi gured to output
a simulated keyboard-entered data stream by re-arranging data blocks, adding
terminating characters and special preamble and/or postamble character strings to
the decoded card data.
The MiniMag magnetic stripe reader is easy to operate. Just follow these
simple steps:
1. Make sure the reader is properly connected and is receiving suffi cient
2. To read a card, slide the card, in either direction, through the reader slot,
with the magnetic stripe facing the magnetic head.
3. While swiping the card through the reader, the LED will go off.
4. Once the entire magnetic stripe has been read, the LED indicator will light
up as green to signal a “good read.” If a good read is not obtained, the LED
indicator will light up as red.
5. A beep will also sound to indicate a good read on each track. If all three
tracks have been read successfully, the reader will beep three times.