ID-AL - My Music Player and My Music Player LE - User Guide V1.0
. MUSIC – Music Folders
The music folders are stored into a root folder named
. The naming of a music folder is composed of
the prefix
and 3 digits between 001 and 999 and an
optional arbitrary name.
MUS003 – Morning songs
MUS246 – Soul music
The music folders behaviors and uses are described
into the Music Folders (MUSIC) (page 15) and Playback
of a Music Folder (MUSIC) (page 24).
In a music folder, the organization and the naming of the
sub-folders and the files is free. All audio files stored
into a music folder are played, without reference to the
internal organization the folder.
The music folders accept WAV, MP3 and Encrypted MP3 files. (For more information about audio file formats
supported by the player please refer to Characteristics (page 63))
. PLAYLIST – Playlist Folders
The playlist folders are stored into a root folder named
. The name of a playlist folder is composed of
the prefix name
and 3 digits between 001 and 999
and an optional arbitrary name.
PLS017 – Summer playlist
PLS145 – Anniversary collection
The playlist folders behaviors and uses are described
into Playlist Folders (PLAYLIST) (page 15) and
Playback of a Playlist Folder (PLAYLIST) (page 25).
In a playlist folder, the organization and the naming of
the sub-folders and the files is free. All playlist files
stored into a playlist folder are played, without reference
to the internal organization the folder.
The playlist folders accept M3U files. (For more information about playlist file formats supported by the player
please refer to Characteristics (page 63))
© 2017, Waves System