II.5.1 The Host Drive Information Window
Double click on the Host Drive icon.
This window contains information on a Host Drive like the Host Drive's capacity and a pos-
sible partition table.
Drive No
The Host Drive number of the Host Drive. The Host Drives are re-
ported to the system one after the other, beginning with the lowest
Drive Number. If the corresponding ICP Controller is the first con-
troller in the system, the system will boot from the Host Drive with
the lowest number.
The name of the Host Drive. A Host Drive is automatically given a
name during the configuration. It can be renamed by selecting the
menu Drive Name of the menu list you get after clicking with the
right mouse button on the Host Drive icon.
The capacity reported to the operating system. The size of a Host
Drive can be smaller than the size of the Logical Drive or the Array
Drive the Host Drive is a part of.
Partition Table The partition table of a Host Drive can contain up to four partition
entries. Information on the type of the partition, it’s location on the
Host Drive, it’s size and the percentage of space used by this parti-
tion are shown.
II.5.2 The Array Drive Information Window
Double click on the Array Drive Icon.
This window shows information on an Array Drive (i.e., a disk array).
Drive No
The logical number of the Array Drive.
Drive Name
The name of the Array Drive.