ZB-2550/ZB-2551 Series User Manual
Ver1.3, Feb /2011 ---14
Zigbee Addressing and Identifiers
Node ID
A 16-bit address that describes a Zigbee node
Randomly assigned during network join
ZB-2570/ZB-2550 series always uses 0x0000
ZB-2571/ZB-2551 series ranges 0x0001~0xFFFF
ZB-DIO/ZB-AIO ranges 0x0001~0x001F
Resolve by stack in case of collision
Included in all message to identify node
A 16-bit ID to identify the network
Included in every packet
A “logical” way to separate Zigbee networks running on same RF
Defined during network formation by ZB-2570/ZB-2550 series
ZB-DIOs/ZB-AIOs always uses 0xFF00 or 0xFF01
RF Channel
1 of 16 RF channels.
Defined during network formation by
ZB-2570/ZB-2550 series
Note :
A Work Zigbee Network - Running on the same
RF Channel
Network Survival Detecting Time
ZB-2551 series will connect with Parent (ZB-2550 series)
periodically to confirm the survival of network. If it detects
unsuccessfully, and it process initialize network again to find a
new parent.