PISO-DNS100 Quick Start Manual (Version 1.0, Sep/2008) ------------
9. After clicking “active board” successfully,
the slave would wait for the master request
message. If it shows the error message at the
output filed, it means that master device
doesn’t communicate with the slave device.
Please check the master’s setting or the baud
rate of the network
10. If the master is communicating with this
slave device, it shows the output value
which was sent by the master device at the
output filed. It means that the master can
exchange the I/O data with the slave device.
11. After communicating with the master device,
the user can press the check-box to change the
input data of the slave device. The users can
find out that the input value in the master site
is changing synchronous.
12. When the master is communicating with
this slave device, the user can change the
output value in the master site. The user
would find out that the output value in the
output filed is changing synchronously in
the output filed of the slave.