PCI-1202/1602/180x Series Card
Multi-Function Boards
User Manual/ Ver. 4.8/ Mar. 2015/ PMH-0014-48/ Page: 117
Diagnostic Program
11.2.1 Power-on Plug&Play Test
The operation steps of power-on plug&play test are given as follows:
Step 1: Power-off PC
Step 2: Install PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 without any extra external connector
Step 3: Power-on PC and check the PC screen very carefully
Step 4: The PC will performance self-test first
Step 5: Detect the non-PCI physical devices installed in the system
Step 6: Show the information of these device in screen
Step 7: Detect the PCI plug&play devices installed in the system
show all PCI-device information
check here carefully
there will be a PCI device with
vendor_ID=1234, device_ID=5678 (PCI-1800/1802)
vender_ID=1234, device_ID=5676 (PCI-1602)
vender_ID=1234, device_ID=5672 (PEX/PCI-1202)
If the plug&play ROM-BIOS can detect the PEX-1202 and PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 series in the power-on
time, the software driver of DOS, Windows 95/98//NT/2000 will function OK later. If the plug&play ROM-BIOS
cannot find the PEX-1202 and PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 series, all software driver will not function. Therefore
the user must make sure that the power-on detection is correct.
11.2.2 Driver Plug&Play Test
Step 1: Power-off PC
Step 2: Install PEX-1202 and PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 series without any extra external connector
Step 3: Power-on PC, run DEMO15.EXE
Step 4: The I/O base address of all PCI-1xxx installed in the system will be shown in screen.
Step 5: Is the total board number correct?
Step 6: Install a 20-pin flat cable in one of these PEX-1202 and PCI-1202/1602/1800/1802 series
Step 7: One card’s D/O=D/I
this is the physical card number, remember this number.
Step 8: Repeat the previous two steps to find the physical card number of all boards.