1.1 Features
RoHS Design
Fully compliant with USB 1.1/2.0 (Full Speed)
Fully compatible with the ISO 11898-2 standard
Support both CAN2.0A and CAN2.0B
No external power supply (powered by USB)
Integrated with one or two CAN bus interface
Programmable CAN bus baud rate from 5Kbps to 1Mbps or user-
defined baud rate
Support CAN bus acceptance filter configuration
Support Listen Only Mode (LOM). (For FW v1.05 or newer)
Support 5 sets of Hardware Send Timer for high precision CAN
messages sending. (For FW v1.05 or newer)
Timestamp of CAN message with at least
1ms precision
Support firmware update via USB
Provide utility tool for users module setting and CAN bus
communication testing conveniently
Provide API library for user program development
Provide Hardware Serial Number to protect users' program. (For FW
v1.04 or newer)
Provide PWR / RUN / ERR indication LED
Built-in jumper to select 120 ohm terminal resister
Max data flow for CAN channel
3000 fps ( depends on users’ PC
hardware performance )
The CAN buffer is 256 data frames for I-7565-H1 and 128 data frames
in each CAN port for I-7565-H2.
Watchdog inside
Driver supported for Windows 2000/XP, Win7
and WinCE
(available soon)
1.2 Specifications
[ USB specs: ]
Input port
USB (USB Type B)
USB 1.1 and 2.0 standard
Driver Supported
Windows 2000/XP, Win7
and WinCE
(available soon)
[ CAN specs: ]
I-7565-H1/H2 High Performance USB/CAN Converter User’s Manual (Ver 1.7, Aug/2011) ------------- 6