GW-7228 J1939/Modbus RTU Slave Gateway
User’s Manual (Ver 1.3, Apr/2011) ------------- 13
Enable (default) Disable
Figure 2-10
Terminal resistor JP3 Jumper Position
2.5 Watchdog Timer Settings
A watchdog timer (WDT) is a device that performs a specific
operation after a certain period of time if something goes wrong and the
system does not recover on its own. A watchdog timer can perform a
warm boot(restarting the system) after a certain number of milliseconds.
The GW-7228 module supplies a jumper for users to active the
watchdog timer or not. If users want to use this WDT, can open the GW-
7228 cover and use the JP1 to activate the WDT built in the module, as
the Figure 2-9. Note that the default setting is active.
Enable (default) Disable
Figure 2-11: Watchdog timer JP1 Jumper Position
2.6 Init / Normal Dip-switch
On the back of the GW-7228 module, there is a dip-switch used for
firmware operation or firmware updating of the module. The following
steps show how to use this dip-switch.
2.6.1 Firmware Update Mode
Please set the dip-switch to the
“Init” (Initial) position as Figure 2-12,
and then the GW-7228 will work in the
“Firmware Update Mode” after