Designed and assembled in the USA
using domestic and imported parts.
©2019 North Park Innovations Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.
App Screen
Easily map probes to assigned locations
Tap to change refrigerant
Superheat Scale
Target superheat
(+/- 5°F) depicted in yellow & green
center band per ACCA-QI guidelines
Target Suction
Pressure Appears when
system is profiled. Dynamic indicator
displays target saturation (+/- 3°F)
(not microns)
Temperature Inputs
Suction Line Temp, Liquid Line
Temp, Discharge Line Temp, Outdoor Air Temp all
remappable to wired probes. Values change color when
streamed in via Bluetooth, overriding user inputs.
Evaporator Temperatures
Supply Air Dry
Bulb, Supply Air Wet Bulb, Return Air Dry Bulb,
Return Air Wet Bulb
Calculated Targets
Target Suction
Pressure, Target Superheat, Target Sub-cooling,
Target High Pressure when system is profiled
Dynamic Range
Max scale depending on
refrigerant selected. Overload pressures displayed
on bands.
Subcooling Scale
Target subcooling (+/- 3°F)
depicted in yellow & orange center band per
ACCA-QI guidelines
Target High/Head Pressure
Appears when
system is profiled. Dynamic indicator displays
target saturation (+/- 3°F)
Discharge Line Temperature
Max 225°F monitor
to protect against oil failure
App available on Google Play and Apple App Store
Search ‘iManifold’
Capacity & Efficiency
Cooling tons,
BTU/hr, kW, EER shown only when all
required user inputs are added
See us at the
AHR Expo!