1. Select different language Media Player
Press and hold the fifth encoder (counting from the left) while power on the
device to enter into the "Media Player" language selection mode. Press Page Up
or Down to select the preferred language media player and it will automtaically
confrim the seleced languafe after few seconds.
2. Fader speed adjustment
Press and hold the first encoder (counting from the left) while power on the
device to enter into the "Fader speed adjustment" mode. Rotate the 8th ecoder
to adjust the speed - Clockwise for faster speed and anticlockwise for slower
speed. Press the encoder to confirm the setting.
3. Fader sensitivity adjustment
Press and hold the second encoder (counting from the left) while power on the
device to enter into the "Fader sensitivity adjustment" mode. Rotate the 8th
ecoder to adjust the sensitivity - Clockwise for less sensitive (higher value on teh
display) and anticlockwise for more sensitive (lower value on teh display). Press
the encoder to confirm the setting.
In order to adjust the appropriate sensitivie for your fader. Keep
touching the fader cap while you adjusting the sensitivity with the 8th
encoder described above until the blue LED (the LED that above the level
metering LED) just stays lit without flashing and goes off as soon as your
finger leave the fader cap.
Gerenal settings