Mac driver installation
Please follow the step-by-step procedures below to install your Ultra 4 USB recording
interface and its driver.
1. Turn on your Mac
Do not connect the Ultra 4 digital audio interface to your Mac yet.)
2. Insert the Driver CD into your CD-Rom.
After you have inserted the provided Driver CD into your CD-Rom, a pop-up
window should appear as shown in Diagram 1, then click on the "Mac” folder to
open the installation files list. Click “ICON Ultra 4 ProDriverVST.pkg”.
3. Welcome Screen appears
Choose "Continue" when you see the
Welcome Screen shown in Diagram 2.
4. Set install location
Click the "Change install location” button if
you would like to set your preferred install
location, otherwise click the “Install” button.
Diagram 2
Diagram 1
Diagram 3
ICON Ultra4-ProDriverVST.pkg