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November 2008

mxa- 5000


Icom proudly announces the debut of a new cat-
egory product, the AIS (Automatic Identification
System) receiver, MXA-5000. The MXA-5000 is
developed as one component of a new net-
worked marine navigation system*, however, by
connecting it to third party navigation equip-
ment or a PC, the MXA-5000 offers AIS data for
monitoring other vessels traffic. It provides use-
ful information for collision avoidance even
where the marine radar may fall off the screen
such as the blind side of an island or winding
shore line.  

* Released later.

What is AIS?

The AIS (Automatic Identification System) provides in
real-time a vessel’s navigation information to the vessel
traffic center or other nearby ships by using digital data
over VHF channels. SOLAS vessels are obligated to
install an AIS transponder under SOLAS regulations.
The AIS transponder sends accurate navigation informa-
tion such as:
• Static Information — Vessel call sign, name, MMSI

number, dimensions, type

• Voyage-Related Information — Draft, cargo type, desti-

nation and estimated time of arrival

• Dynamic Information — Time in universal time, coordi-

nated, latitude/longitude position, course over ground,
speed over ground, heading, rate of turn, navigational

For more details, please refer to 
