KV5R: Icom IC-706MkIIG Mods and Tips
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Icom IC-706MkIIG Mods and Tips
Everything for Icom 706 Fans in One Place.
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Ah, the li’l 706: What can I say? I like it! It
performs like big radio, but it’s small. It
sounds good, and it’s well made. You can add
the remote kit and put the control head and
the radio box where ever you want them. The
price is right.
This article is a handy compilation of most of
the mods and stuff I have developed or found on the web for the
706MkIIG, plus a chronicle of the little accessory kits that I have built
to enhance my enjoyment of the 706.
The author assumes absolutely no responsibility, under
any circumstances, for what the reader may do with this information.
Building and connecting circuits, and performing adjustments or
modifications, may damage your radio, void your warranty, and/or
cause it to operate in violation of FCC rules and Type Acceptance, etc,
unless you are VERY CAREFUL.
Brand New 706 Setup
The 706 comes with several factory defaults that you'll want to
change. The recommended changes make the radio easier to operate.
First, let’s set up the power-on defaults.
file:///C|/My%20Downloads/Icom/706.asp.htm (1 of 15)5/4/2009 11:29:12 PM