General information
steam generators are equipped with a set of components that can be divided into:
Safety components (safety valves, safety level switches, safety pressure switch).
Indicator components (level indicator, pressure gauge, flame warning light).
Adjustment components (level regulators, pressure switches, pressure transmitters).
Supply components (centrifugal pump).
Operating components (shut-off valves, drain valve).
In the following descriptions, the accessories are divided according to the physical quantity they control (pressure and level).
The pressure gauge is of Bourdon type and it consists of a very flat arch-shaped elliptical metal tube and shows the design
pressure on the graduated scale (marked in red). One of the ends is open and it communicated with the inside of the generator
whose pressures is to be measured; the other end, closed and free to move, is connected to the index by a toothed sector lever
system. The design pressure is indicated in red on the manometer.
The pressure gauge is mounted on a three-way valve that allows performing the following operations:
Communication between generator and pressure gauge (normal operating position).
Communication between pressure gauge and the outside (position needed to purge the siphon).
Communication between generator, pressure gauge and sample pressure gauge (position needed for pressure gauge
The safety valves are able to maintain the pressure in the generator to the design pressure (save temporary peaks of 10% max of
the max PS of the whole) even if all other pressure control devices (pressure switches and transmitters) are out of use.
These valves are regulated by specific national and international standards, therefore they are sized, tested, installed and maintained
in compliance with the applicable regulations and the contents of this manual.
use and maintenance manual
is supplied with the safety valves.
Cooke Industries - Phone: +64 9 579 2185 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cookeindustries.co.nz