Rename: rename the recorder
Delete: delete the current recorder
Delete all files: delete all the recorders
Setting: set the recorder’s format
Forward: send the recorder to profiles or sendy by multimedia message.
FM Radio
the phone supports FM broadcast. Select the FM shortcut to to the relative
actions. Press select key to do the following actions:
Channel list” edit the name of the channel and display in the list
Manual Input: direct input FM channel frequency, eg 103.7
Preset auto search: automaticly search FM channel and updated the list.
Settings: background play, FM speaker play.
Record: record a new audio
Append: add a new record to the original one.
File list:the record files.
On/Off: open or close the alarm clock.
Time: set the alarm time
Once: warn only once.
Daily: warn at the specified time every day.
User-Defined: set the warning time of the alarm clock in a week.