Longitudinally adjustable supports for forearms and legs allow adjustment to diff erent body sizes and proportions. ICAROS Health can be used by persons weighing
up to 110 kg / 242 lbs and measuring 140 cm / 4 ft 7 in - 200 cm / 6 ft 7 in. The minimum position of the arm and leg rests is recommended as the default setting for
persons between 140 cm / 4‘7“ and 150 cm / 4‘11“ in height. From a body height of 180 cm / 5‘11“ the maximum position can be used as a starting point for adjustment.
The adjustability of the roll and pitch movement by means of pretensioning
allows diff erent inclination angles.
1) Leg rests
Release the levers on the inside of
the rails and slide the leg rests into
the desired position. Then tighten the
levers again.
ICAROS GmbH 01/2019 | Fraunhoferstr. 5 | 82152 Martinsried | www.icaros.com | +49 89 414 1821 00
1) Roll inclination
Especially for beginners, use the adjustment wheel
to limit the angles of the roll axis to a minimum. Pull
out, turn and lock in the „HARD“ direction - synony-
mous with „harder adjustment“.
For experienced users, the preload can be reduced
by turning and locking the adjustment wheel in the
„EASY“ direction allowing larger movement angles.
2) Arm rests
Release the levers on the inside of the
rails and slide the arm rests into the
desired position. Then tighten the le-
vers again.
3) Support belt
The two rigid straps on the underside
of the support belt allow you to adjust
it to ensure an optimal posture. Make
sure that the hip belt has only slight
body contact and allows mobility of
the lower body.
2) Pitch angle
First remove the rigid safety line. By at-
taching the elastic band, movements are
damped through pre-tensioning.
4) Optimal position
Make sure that your body centre of
gravity is in the middle of the device
and adjust the settings if necessary.
Avoid a position that is too stretched
or too compact. Improper or excessive
training may result in health damage.
3) Environmental protection
During operation, there is a risk of injury by standers,
children or animals. It must be ensured that a protec-
tive circle of at least 1 meter / 3‘3“ radius around the
device is kept free.
The device may only be used by an operator after an instruction through an employee of ICAROS GmbH. Only use the ICAROS Health training device indoors and
ensure that the device is placed securely on a level surface. Observe the free area of at least 1 meter / 3‘3“ around the device.
The ICAROS Health Movement-Therapy-System shall only be used by professionals, such as doctors or therapists.
Indication: Lower Back Pain Syndrome as well as core training and balance exercises in therapy (rehabilitation). Strengthening of the shoulder and trunk muscles.
Contraindications: Fever, acute LBP, non-identifi able pain, pregnancy, acute infl ammatory diseases, general medical contraindications.
3) Correct use of leg rests
Make sure that your knees don`t look over the leg