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z/VSE solutions

z/VSE clients can select from a variety of existing solutions that

can simplify, integrate and automate their IT environment.

The solutions cover the flexible integration of z/VSE assets, for

example through:

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), supporting Web

Services requests using XML data and the SOA Protocol

(SOAP), to communicate with each other independent of the

platform and programming language;

easy data management with tools for optimization, tuning

and automation, provided by DB2® 9


for Linux; this is of

interest for z/VSE clients using DB2 and VSAM;

reusing and integrating CICS® transactions and applications

throughout the enterprise with the CICS Transaction


an assured message delivery—securely and reliably with

WebSphere® MQSeries®, a market leader for message-

oriented middleware;

exploitation of hardware encryption technology and support

of the OpenPGP standard with the Encryption Facility for

z/VSE, allowing for a flexible and highly secure data

exchange with business partners and peers;

Rational® COBOL Runtime for z/VSE enabling customers 

to develop new applications using modern Enterprise

Generation Language (EGL) capability of Rational Business


Web-enabling z/VSE resources with an intuitive look and

feel, avoiding the risk of rewriting applications;

reduced administration effort through a centralized, auto-

mated data protection across a heterogeneous IT environ-

ment with the Tivoli® Storage Manager.

z/VSE clients ensure continuity, reliability and security, support

open standards, help for easier management, reuse z/VSE

assets in dynamic ways, and potentially save cost.

New pricing options

Midrange Workload License Charge (MWLC) is available on

the new System z10 BC and z10 EC, z9 EC and z9 BC. It

applies to z/VSE V4 (including the Encryption Facility for z/VSE

feature) and twelve key VSE-related middleware products,

including CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA™, IBM TCP/IP

for VSE/ESA, ACF/VTAM®, HLASM, DITTO, DB2 server for

VSE, DL/1, DFSORT™, COBOL, PL/1, C and MQ.

MWLC can be implemented in full-capacity or sub-capacity


mode. Sub-capacity users pay for MWLC-priced programs

based on the utilization of the Logical Partitions (LPARs) or vir-

tual machines where the system executes.

Sub-capacity pricing gives customers the option of consolidat-

ing smaller z/VSE workloads on the same z10 or z9 server

that also runs their core z/OS workloads.

When matching IT wants and needs with the z/VSE, Linux for

System z, z/VM®, and mainframe attributes, it is evident that

the unique combination forms a robust platform that is well-

positioned for growth and investment protection.
