VSE clients with growing core VSE workloads, growing
Linux workloads, or both will fi nd the z890 to be a robust,
cost-effective server solution and a unique opportunity to
reduce IT cost though infrastructure simplifi cation.
VSE/ESA is designed to protect extensive customer invest-
ments in existing core VSE applications, data, IT skills,
equipment, business processes, and end user training.
Standards-based, no-charge connectors provide fl exible
interoperability between VSE and Java technology-capable
platforms such as Linux on zSeries. Connectors enable
Linux-based applications to access core VSE applications
and data. In addition, optional priced IBM middleware such
as CICS Transaction Gateway, DB2 UDB or DB2 Connect,
and WebSphere MQ complement VSE connectors.
VSE, Linux (exploiting IFLs), z/VM, and z890 are a compelling
combination for VSE clients seeking a competitive IT advan-
tage. New, state-of-the-art Linux-based Web applications and
existing VSE applications and data can form comprehensive,
integrated solutions that combine the best of on demand
business with traditional transaction and batch processing.
z/OS remains an attractive migration target for some VSE
clients. Affi nity between VSE and z/OS has been an endur-
ing part of IBM’s strategy for VSE. One objective of affi nity
is to help ensure that clients can adapt their core VSE
assets and skills to z/OS.
z890 is supported by VSE/ESA Version 2 Release 6 or later.
VSE/ESA 2.6 support includes zSeries features such as
FICON Express, FICON Express2, OSA-Express, OSA-
Express2, OSA-Integrated Console Controller, up to 30
LPARs, and up to two Logical Channel SubSystems (4
on z990). VSE/ESA 2.7 adds HiperSockets (to make the
combination of VSE and Linux even more effective), PCICA
encryption assist, and OSA-Express adapter interrupts.
VSE/ESA 2.6 and 2.7 operate in 31-bit mode in LPARs, or as
a 31-bit guest under z/VM. Linux for zSeries is available for
new applications requiring 64-bit capability.
z/VSE will be the replacement product for VSE/ESA and
is anticipated to be the basis for future VSE development.
z/VSE will continue the VSE tradition of providing robust,
cost-effective mainframe solutions. z/VSE is designed to
bring the value of innovative zSeries technologies to VSE
clients. It will continue to emphasize investment protection,
network integration, and infrastructure simplifi cation. z/VSE
will focus on exploiting synergies with Linux on zSeries.
When available, z/VSE 3.1 plans to add support for FCP-
attached SCSI disks to the z890 items already included
in VSE/ESA 2.7. z/VSE can execute in 31-bit mode only. It
does not implement z/Architecture, and specifi cally does
not implement 64-bit mode capabilities. z/VSE is designed
to exploit selected features of IBM zSeries hardware. Linux
for zSeries is available for new on demand business appli-
cations requiring 64-bit capability.
Note: All statements regarding IBM’s plans, directions, and
intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notifi ca-
tion. For more information on VSE, see the VSE Web site at