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ServeRAID M5110 and M5110e SAS/SATA Controllers for IBM System x



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Содержание ServeRAID M5110e

Страница 1: ...Ie adapter M5110e comes integrated with the IBM System x3650 M4 server They also share a common set of upgrades simplifying inventory management Figure 1 shows the ServeRAID M5110 Controller Figure 1...

Страница 2: ...ies SSD Performance Accelerator for IBM System x 90Y4273 A2MC ServeRAID M5100 Series SSD Caching Enabler for IBM System x 90Y4318 A2MD Note The M5110 SAS SATA controller is only available as a part of...

Страница 3: ...t Notices Flyer Warranty Flyer ServeRAID M Documentation CD ServeRAID M5100 Series Zero Cache RAID 5 Upgrade RAID 6 Upgrade SSD Performance Accelerator and SSD Caching Enabler option part numbers incl...

Страница 4: ...the parity from the peer disks in the case of a RAID 5 or RAID 6 Consistency checks can be scheduled to take place periodically Extensive online configuration options and advanced monitoring and event...

Страница 5: ...5 upgrade that is available 81Y4544 81Y4484 81Y4487 or 81Y4559 MegaRAID CacheVault flash cache protection MegaRAID CacheVault flash cache protection uses NAND flash memory powered by a supercapacitor...

Страница 6: ...ery backup 512 MB or 1 GB with flash backup MegaRAID CacheVault technology Support for SAS and SATA HDDs and SSDs Support for intermixing SAS and SATA HDDs and SSDs mixing different types of drives in...

Страница 7: ...RAID 5 Upgrade 81Y4544 FoD Yes Yes No No No ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Cache RAID 5 Upgrade 81Y4484 HW Yes Yes Yes No No ServeRAID M5100 Series 512MB Flash RAID 5 Upgrade 81Y4487 HW Yes Yes Yes No Y...

Страница 8: ...08 Datacenter x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter x86 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x64 Edition Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86 Edition Microsoft Windo...

Страница 9: ...d in the following table Table 5 Supported 2 5 simple swap hard disk drives Part number Product description 2 5 SAS SS HDDs 90Y8935 IBM 146GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2 5 SFF G2SS HDD N N N Y 49Y1996 IBM 146GB 1...

Страница 10: ...2 5 SFF G2HS SED Y N N N 42D0637 IBM 300GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2 5 SFF Slim HS HDD N N N N 44W2264 IBM 300GB 10K 6Gbps SAS 2 5 SFF Slim HS SED N N N N 81Y9670 IBM 300GB 15K 6Gbps SAS 2 5 SFF HS HDD Y Y Y N...

Страница 11: ...5 HS HDD N N N N 90Y8572 IBM 2TB 7 2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3 5 G2HS HDD Y Y Y N 42D0767 IBM 2TB 7 2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3 5 HS HDD N N N N 90Y8577 IBM 3TB 7 2K 6Gbps NL SAS 3 5 G2HS HDD Y Y Y N 81Y9758 IBM 3TB 7 2K...

Страница 12: ...D N N N N 43W7750 IBM 250GB 7 2K SATA 3 5 Simple Swap HDD N N N N 39M4514 500GB 3 5 Simple Swap SATA II HDD N N N N 81Y9802 IBM 500GB 7 2K 6Gbps NL SATA 3 5 G2SS HDD Y Y Y Y 81Y9806 IBM 1TB 7 2K 6Gbps...

Страница 13: ...8 IBM 128GB SATA 2 5 MLC HS Entry SSD N N N N 90Y8643 IBM 256GB SATA 2 5 MLC HS Entry SSD N N N N SATA SS SSDs 43W7734 IBM 50GB SATA 1 8 NHS SSD N N N N 43W7742 IBM 200GB SATA 2 5 MLC SS SSD N N N Y 9...

Страница 14: ...icePac upgrade Agency approvals The adapter conforms to the following standards EN55022 EN55024 EN60950 CE EN 61000 3 2 EN 61000 3 3 IEC 950 CB Scheme FCC Part 15 Class A and Class B UL 1950 CSA C22 2...

Страница 15: not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without...

Страница 16: ...ountries or both These and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with the appropriate symbol or indicating US registered or common law trademarks owned b...

Страница 17: ...Click below to find more Mipaper at www lcis com tw Mipaper at www lcis com tw...
