Chapter 9. Chassis replacement
The SAN128B-7 chassis is highly reliable and unlikely to fail. However, the chassis is available as a
FRU and can be replaced using the following basic tasks. Since chassis replacement is a collaborative
process between customers and SSRs please review the information provided in “Customer replacement
responsibilities” on page 66 and “IBM service replacement responsibilities” on page 74 to gain an
understanding of your specific responsibilities for this procedure.
1. “Determining the need to replace the chassis” on page 66
2. “Chassis replacement overview” on page 67
3. “Preparing for replacement” on page 67
4. “Recording critical device and SAN information” on page 68
5. “Powering down the switch” on page 71
6. “Disconnecting the cables” on page 74
7. “Remove the old switch chassis and install the new switch chassis” on page 74
8. “Reconnecting system to the network and fabric” on page 71
9. “Downloading the configuration” on page 71
10. “Verifying correct operation of system” on page 72
11. “Verifying correct configuration of the fabric” on page 73
Customer replacement responsibilities
Chassis replacement is a combined effort between the customer and the IBM System Services
Representative (SSR). Before the IBM SSR can perform the physical replacement and labeling procedures,
you must prepare your environment for chassis replacement by performing the following tasks:
• “Determining the need to replace the chassis” on page 66
• “Preparing for replacement” on page 67
• “Recording critical device and SAN information” on page 68
• “Powering down the switch” on page 71
• “Disconnecting the cables” on page 74
• “Reconnecting system to the network and fabric” on page 71
• “Downloading the configuration” on page 71
• “Verifying correct operation of system” on page 72
• “Verifying correct configuration of the fabric” on page 73
Determining the need to replace the chassis
Before replacing the chassis, verify that the replacement is necessary. Ensure that the components
are firmly seated when troubleshooting. Contact IBM support if you have any questions about whether
the chassis should be replaced. Any of the following events might indicate that the chassis requires
• One or more components do not function properly.
• The
commands continue to show a faulty component even though the component
has been replaced.
66 IBM Storage Networking SAN128B-7: SAN128B-7 Installation, Service, and User Guide