Finding out your current settings
At any time, you can see the technical details of the keyboard settings by pressing the
'See details' button (Ctrl-d). This opens a drop-down panel containing a table. Each row
of the table is a setting the Keyboard Optimizer covers. For each setting, the table lists
the current value of the setting, the Keyboard Optimizer's suggested value, and the
original value that was being used when analysis started. Values may be a number (in
milliseconds), a dash indicating that the current value is unknown, the word 'on', or the
word 'off', indicating the status of something like Sticky Keys.
Using Keyboard Optimizer without a mouse
All of the Keyboard Optimizer's functions are accessible using the keyboard. Most
functions can be accessed directly through menus and through keyboard shortcuts.
The following keyboard shortcuts are available:
Test and adjust keyboard settings now
Adjust/stop adjusting settings automatically
See/hide details of the keyboard settings
adjusting Ctrl-f,
Try the current suggestion
Skip the current suggestion
Undo the last change made to the settings
The tab key will move through all the active buttons (those visible on the screen) and the
text box when it is visible. The space and return keys will choose the current button.
Accurate keyboard navigation can be difficult if the keyboard is not correctly adjusted in
the first place. To make keyboard navigation easier, the Keyboard Optimizer ignores
extra characters generated when the tab, space or return key is held down. The buttons
also have a debounce time in place, so that the same button cannot be pressed twice
within 0.5s. These features are designed to aid keyboard navigation for those who
require a long key repeat delay, or a debounce time.
Automatic adjustment
Another way to adjust your keyboard is to ask the Keyboard Optimizer to analyse your
typing while you go about your regular work in other applications. Choose 'Adjust
automatically' (Ctrl-u) from the main screen, or 'Dynamic' after using the 'Test and adjust
now' option. When you choose this option, the Keyboard Optimizer will remain active.
It will continue to monitor your typing. Changes to the key repeat delay, key repeat rate
and debounce time will be made automatically. If Sticky Keys or a key acceptance delay