Hints and Tips
Windows 3.0 and the L40 SX Power Management Feature
The Reference Diskette supplied with your L40 SX includes a driver to enable
Windows to work properly with Suspend and Resume. If this driver is not used,
unpredictable results can occur when power is suspended and later resumed.
Install this driver by copying the driver file from the Reference Diskette to the Windows
3.0 SYSTEM subdirectory. Make the necessary changes to the SYSTEM.INI file.
These procedures are described above.
With the Reference Diskette in the diskette drive and the DOS prompt displayed, type:
and press Enter. This assumes you
have installed Windows 3.0 in a directory called WINDOWS. If you named the
directory something else, modify the above command appropriately. For example, if
Windows is installed in C:\WIN3, copy the file to C:\WIN3\SYSTEM instead.
This also assumes that you have modified the SYSTEM.INI file as described in the
previous section.
Restart the system
to activate the Power Management driver
QEMM 5.11
You must use Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Management** 5.11 (or later) for
proper operation on the IBM Personal System/2 L40 SX. If you plan to run Windows
3.0 with QEMM 5.11, you must also edit the Windows 3.0 SYSTEM.INI file as
described above.
A change to the DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS file is
required for proper operation of Windows with QEMM on the L40 SX. Failure to make
this change can cause unpredictable results.
Edit the file named CONFIG.SYS using an editor. CONFIG.SYS is in your Root
subdirectory. Three changes are required to the CONFIG.SYS file installed by QEMM.
In the CONFIG.SYS file, find the statement:
Change it to:
Next, remove the statements:
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