Benefits of the IBM 4695
IBM 4695 is better by design
Developed in collaboration with our customers and with
input from extensive human factors research to ensure a
highly efficient terminal
Designed to be appropriate for food service, retail,
hospitality and leisure industries
Sealed from liquid and dirt, easy to clean, because of an
IBM patented design
Uses an external power supply, which is also sealed
Employs infrared touch technology, which has these key
advantages over the two main alternatives of resistive
and capacitive technologies:
No screen membrane to damage or wear out (Resistive
and capacitive technologies use a membrane overlay to
cover the screen.)
No interruption of service for recalibration in the store
(resistive and capacitive systems have to be taken out of
action to recalibrate the touch membrane)
Usable with gloved hand (Capacitive systems will not
work with ordinary gloves that may be used for hygiene
or in cold environments.)
Excellent screen clarity, because it uses hardened glass
instead of plastic overlays on the screen
Attractive appearance complements your store image
(The 4695 won the European CeBit design award!)
The integrated models are:
Approved for Windows NT
4.0, Windows
Windows 3.1/3.11, DOS 7.0 & 2000, OS/2 Warp 4.0,
OLE for Point-of-Sale(OPOS) 1.4.0 and SCO/UNIX
Capable of fast video performance, using PCI
subsystem for video and LAN
Economical, because the BIOS supports Advanced
Power Management, Wake on LAN and remote
Open PC standards: Intel
socket 7 allows plug-in
processor upgrades, 16 to 128 MB of PC memory,
64-bit PCI planar using Intel chip set
IBM maintains continuity of supply, development,
maintenance, integration and support
The IBM 4695 is price competitive, but better than that,
we have designed our systems to be very reliable and
thus deliver a lower cost of ownership.