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IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack Uninterruptible Power Supply for IBM System x



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Содержание 2200VA LCD 2U

Страница 1: ...igure 1 IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack UPS for IBM System x Did You Know The IBM 2200VA UPS has a bright easily customizable and graphical LCD display that lets you configure the device and displays important...

Страница 2: ...or the IBM 2200VA UPS Table 1 Ordering part numbers and feature codes Description Part number Feature code IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack UPS 100V 120V 5395 2AX 5395 RU2 FC 6655 IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack UPS 230...

Страница 3: ...C13 CNS 10917 2 8 m 81Y2374 Taiwan 10A 250V C13 CNS 10917 2 8 m 81Y2375 Brazil 10A 250V C13 to NBR 14136 2 8 m 69Y1988 Argentina 10A line C13 to IRAM 2063 2 8 m 39Y7930 4 3 m line cords Part number Eu...

Страница 4: ...allow for individual control of receptacle groups maximizing run time for critical devices It has an optional network management card part number 46M4140 for enhanced UPS monitoring and control It al...

Страница 5: ...ominal output voltage regulation 92 108V 100V 106 132V 120V 208 253V 230V Input Nominal input voltage auto sensing at first power up 100 120V 230V Input frequency auto sensing 50 60 Hz 3 Hz 50 60 Hz 3...

Страница 6: Filtering ANSI IEEE C62 41 1991 CATEGORYB3 SURGE The following tables list the expected period that the UPS will operate solely on batteries Table 4 is for the 100V 120V model and Table 5 is for th...

Страница 7: ...vironment Temperature Operation 0 to 40 C 32 to 104 F Storage 15 to 30 C 5 to 86 F charge the UPS battery every six months Storage 30 to 45 C 86 to 113 F charge the UPS battery every three months Rela...

Страница 8: ...tem status Displays the battery status load percentage output power output voltage and frequency mode notice or alarm status Alarm history Displays the alarm history for the 50 most recent events Mete...

Страница 9: ...on for 3 seconds to turn off the UPS On some screens the OK button has an additional function if you press and hold the button longer than 1 second On the User Setting screens to save the displayed se...

Страница 10: ...tery run time An external battery module can also be added to deliver hours of run time to critical systems during a prolonged power outage IBM 2U Extended Battery Module EBM For applications requirin...

Страница 11: ...onse to UPS alarms and to transmit periodic reports see Figure 7 Allows control of UPS on off switching with a web browser Allows adjustment and control of load segments through the HTML interface inc...

Страница 12: ...critical power events and notifies you of important UPS or power information If there is a power outage and the UPS battery power becomes low the software can automatically shut down the system to pro...

Страница 13: ...IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack Uninterruptible Power Supply for IBM System x 13 Figure 8 IBM UPS Manager normal status window...

Страница 14: ...x 14 Figure 9 shows that the utility power supply has failed and that the UPS is now operating on battery The UPS Manager software indicates that there is 10 minutes of battery time available based o...

Страница 15: ...ninterruptible Power Supply for IBM System x 15 Figure 10 shows the event notification window where you can configure how you and other users want to be notified when certain events occur Figure 10 Ev...

Страница 16: ...nects to the Network Management Card NMC settings sensor connection Its temperature and humidity thresholds are easily set to trigger alarm notifications or shut down the protected system Its status c...

Страница 17: The IBM Systems Director Active Energy Manager AEM helps Collect power information from each device attached to an IBM UPS thus presenting a more complete view of energy usage With server conso...

Страница 18: ...7 ENUS110 159 IBM System x UPS product page http www ibm com systems x hardware options upsrack html IBM 2200VA LCD 2U Rack Uninterruptible Power Supply Installation and Maintenance Guide http www ibm...

Страница 19: ...are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate withou...

Страница 20: ...he IBM logo and ibm com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States other countries or both These and other IBM trademarked terms are US...
