© Copyright Lotronic 2011
MK-12A with B-IN Powered Series
One certain method of determining if a speaker is faulty is to substitute a
speaker that is known to work correctly for the suspect ed problem speaker. If the
"known good" speaker exhibits the same symptoms as the suspected problem
speaker, use the information below to isolate the problem.
No Output
Possible Cause
Speaker cables
all connectors.
known good
speaker ca bles
Check solder joi ns.
Tighten set-screws on
or Neutrik connectors.
Inspect ca ble for damage
Inspect wi re / connector for stray strand s that may short-and
+ together.
Make sure the amplifi er channel is being fed signal.
Most amps h ave a
signal input
LED to indicate the
presence of a signal. Rep atch the Speaker to an amplifier
channel that is known to be working.
Possible Cause
Poor connections
While it is possible for a faulty speaker to exhi bit intermittent
ou tput, it's mor e likely that an output cable/connector is the
i nsulation between the tip and sl eeve of jacks. Check th e
soldering on connectors. Tighten the set-screws on "banana"
or Neu trik connectors. Check the insulation between the ti p
an d sleeve of jacks.
Constant noise, buzzing and/or humming
Possible Cause
Faulty electronic
Any constant noise originates in the amplifier, mi xer, signal
processing, source d evices, or line-l evel wiring. Check and
In the signal chain
Correct system gro unding as required. Check for noisy
sources or electronic components. Check wiring for faulty
Poor low-frequency output
Possible Cause
Proper Polarity
When two speakers in close proximity to each are connected
O ut-of-polari ty, they can partially cancel each other out
especial ly at low frequencies. Check your speaker cables to
be sur e they are all identically wir ed and connected. Check
ba lanced-line signal ca bles to be sure they are all correctly