Copyright Velocomp LLP 2005-2011
The instant you start pedaling the bottom window clock will start counting down to zero.
When the clock reaches 0:00 the test will begin and the timer will reset to 20 minutes, zero
seconds, and count down towards zero.
Pedal as hard as you can for the 20 minute testing period
. As you do the test your body
will adjust naturally: if you start out too hard your performance will fall-off later in the test.
If you have energy to spare in the last few minutes you can “pour it on”.
During the test you will see your average watts in the top screen, your instantaneous watts
in the middle window, and the elapsed time of your test in the bottom window. Here is an
example of how the screen might look:
This screen shows that this rider has 18 minutes, 32 seconds remaining on the test
(bottom window), and that, up to this point of the test, the rider has sustained an average
of 218W (top window). The middle screen shows the watts output at the instant of the
photo: 191W. So, the rider’s wattage output AT THAT INSTANT is below the average. The
down arrow to the left of the reading 191W indicates that the instantaneous wattage output
is below the average watts output.
During the 20 minute test pedal your bike as aggressively as you can and try to keep those
watts up.
: 20 minutes is a long time! You’ll see that both average and current watts are
displayed on the iBike. Both of these numbers will help you keep a good pace. For
example, if you start off way too hard your current watts will be huge for a few minutes
and your average watts will be high too. However, you will be unable to maintain the pace
for 20 minutes and will fade: your current watts will diminish because you are tired. Your
iBike screen will report that your current watts are below your average watts, indicating
that you “blew up” too soon. If you blow up prior to the end of the test then you won’t
have a W/KG measurement that reflects your potential.
Work hard, but try to keep an
even pace throughout the ride.
During the test a situation may arise where you need to stop (say, at a traffic light). If
that happens you can pause the test by clicking the center button. The screen will say
“hold test”: