ibidi Pump System
inside the slide and tubing. Degassing all plastic components before the experiment will eliminate
this effect.
Each time you take the system out of the incubator, the process of gas absorption begins again.
Therefore work quickly at room temperature and never leave the Fluidic Unit outside the incu-
bator for longer than 10 minutes.
Mounting a Perfusion Set on the Fluidic Unit
The tubing must be inserted correctly into the
valve for proper valve switching and flow direc-
To facilitate the proper insertion, the sections of
the tubing are marked with colored tabs (Figure
It is best to mount the Perfusion Set on the ster-
ile working bench immediately before filling the
Perfusion Set with medium.
To mount the Perfusion Set onto the Fluidic
Unit follow these steps:
1. Place the Fluidic Unit and the packaged
Perfusion Set in a laminar flow hood.
2. Open the packaging and check the Perfu-
sion Set connections before mounting.
(a) Verify the connection between the
reservoirs and tubing by screwing the
adapters tightly into the reservoirs
(b) Make sure the Luer adapters in the Fe-
male Luer Coupler are secure (Figure
Figure 19: Colored tabs on the Perfusion Set.
Version 2.6 (May 12, 2022)
Instruction Manual